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As they continued the game it became intense but alcohol acted as the damege controller because as time passed everyone got more and more drunk. I bet half of them won't even remember a thing tomorrow.

But not even alcohol can stop Khan he successfully managed to tuck thua in bed. And passed out next to him. Namo who went to sleep on bed was kicked by Khan and slept on floor. Mes managed to grab a folding mattress and made a bed on floor for himself. Wat who found out that because he ended up next to mes.

As for akk and ayan, ayan was the drunk one because akk didn't had any drinks after ayan showed up. Akk wanted to lay ayan on bed but his room was full. So he laid ayan on couch and covered him with a blanket. Akk had a lot in his mind even though ayan had returned they didn't got any chance to have a private conversation.

Akk sat near the couch ayan was sleeping and simply looked at his sleeping boyfriend with a smile. It was already past midnight but akk didn't wanted to disturb ayan nor does he wanted to leave his side. It was like he was afraid to sleep  because he still can't believe it's real. He worried once he woke up tomorrow he might find it was all a dream.

Akk lean forward and placed a soft kiss on ayan's forehead and whispered "I love you".

To his surprise ayan slightly opend his eyes still in half asleep he held out his arms as if asking for a hug. It was one of the most beautiful sight akk ever seen in his life. After seeing that akk's cheeks suddenly became red and it wasn't because of alcohol, but good thing no one saw so he won't get teased tomorrow. He slightly moved the blanket and laid besides ayan while cuddling.

it was almost noon by the time boys got up the first one to woke up was thua. Kan held thua as his life depended on it and thua is used to kan's this side. He freed himself and saw everyone was still sleeping he went to kitchen to get some water but suddenly stopped when he saw akk and ayan cuddling each other they looked so comfortable. Thua took his phone out to click a photo of that wonderful sight.

Thua and ayan had a friendly bond just like kan, wat and akk have. So when akk and ayan's fights were up for a discussion he quickly spoted what the actual reason was. So he was ayan's alli from beginning. Kan also supported them because he also thinks mes have some sort of romantic feelings towards akk.

"Why are you taking our picture?" Thua was startled, by ayan's voice.

"Well you guys looked so cute,I can't help it" Thua replied.

"Well my boyfriend is the Cuetest" To their surprise it was akk this time.

"Were you awake?" Ayan asked curiously.

"Mmmm" Akk shook his head.

" Then why did you pretend like you were sleeping." Ayan sounded annoyed.

"You did the same, didn't you? And I didn't want to let go of my cute boyfriend. I want to spend my whole life hugging you."
After hearing these from akk, ayan could  blush his cheeks looked like pink roses.

"You sound cheesier than khan." Thua left saying that.
Akk and ayan looked at each other and smiled without breaking their hug.

Boys decided to head to their places

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Boys decided to head to their places. Before leaving ayan made everyone clean akk's house together and ordered some food for them too. Akk was so happy because it was the first time anyone other than mes among his friends actually helped him to clean the mess they made. And at first everyone made a fuss and teased ayan about how he started to act as akk's wife as soon as he got back. But when he proudly admitted it everyone stoped .

After everyone left while akk was washing dishes he felt two hand wrapping around his waist. He didn't had to look back to know who that was
"So how was my surprise? Did I make my boyfriend happy?"
Ayan asked while placing a soft kiss on back of akk's neck.

"Mmmm..... I....I actually... LOVED IT. You don't have any idea, when I saw you at my door step all I wanted to do was kiss you and hold you tight. It took a lot to control myself. " While saying this akk could feel ayan was blushing he didn't had to see to know that. Ayan tightened his grip and stayed there hugging akk from back.

After washig his hand akk slowly turned around and lifted ayan's face by his right hand and said
" You don't have to do anything to make me happy I'm happy just by being your side." They looked each other in the eyes for sometime and started to kiss. It was soft and tender and slowly they made it deeper. It was a kiss full of love and comfort with a hint of longingness.

At evening akk and ayan went to ayan's mom's place she had made a feast for them. After three years it was the first time she was spending time with her both sons.

After dinner they talked to each other for sometime. She even teased akk saying he only stays over when ayan's here. Although during past years when ayan was not around akk had visited ayan's mom several times but he never slept over there.

When they were going to bed she told ayan he should invite his other friends for dinner too, but when she mensioned akk's new friend who she had met in the past ayan didn't looked happy at all. Because that friend was none other than mes.

"When did you introduce him to my mother? Are you cheating on me?" Ayan asked as soon as they entered his room.

"Didn't you heared what mom said, that day we ran into each other. And why are you so annoyed when ever you hear P'mes's name? Don't tell me you are jealous?" Before akk could finish ayan intrupted and said
"I'm not jealous. I don't get jealous."

"Then why are you accusing me of cheating on you? You says that whenever you don't have anything other to coverup your actions." Akk's statement made ayan flustered.
"Oh... My wife is so cute when he is jealous... " Akk teased ayan who was pouting.

Ayan hited on akk's shoulder and said "Stop it! It's just you are always sweet to him and I don't like it,...P'....P' it's annoying"  But when ayie felt akk was not going to stop teasing him he used his last weapon.
"You are having so much fun right? Why don't you have fun while sleeping on the couch alone? " Ayan stood arms crosed and looked into akk's eyes. Then he went to bed. But as soon as akk heard what ayan said he stoped teasing ayi.

Akk stood there and watched ayan laying down on bed. And suddenly jumped onto him as a puppy and hugged ayan tight. Ayan tried to push akk away but he gave up when akk started to cover ayan with kisses.
"Akk, you are mine" Ayan said looking at akk.
"It's you who is mine" Akk replied with a smile.

"I have locked the door so mom won't be able to hear us."

Authors note

You may already know I originally planned this story to be a short one with maximum of ten chapters. Then you guys encouraged me to write freely without worrying about the numbers. And that made this journey more beautiful. Thank you so much for your support.💜

Now I have a new story in my mind. I haven't started writing it yet but I'm planing to do soon. It's alos gonna be bl. And I have a few questions
1.would you like it to be fan fiction or fiction?
2.I know most of you are here for firstkhao but if it's not them then whom should I write about next?

I would like to know what you guys think and don't worry I won't rush this story and jump on to another one.

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