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The room was filled with laughter and applause.
"Everyone knew right? That's why you all came. it was not a coincidence!!! And I was acting like a brat" Ayan said while wiping his tears.

"Well you were always been a brat so it's nothing new" Kan replied to ayan. And everyone showed their agreement.
"Am I? " Ayan looked at akk with puppy eyes. "Well... You are cocky and has a bad temper and.... " As akk was saying ayan's expression changed. Ant cuting akk's words ayan said "maa look at akk... "

"Akk that's not right?....You left out the part of him being rudest annoying drama queen" After siding with akk ayan's mom giggled. But it didn't took ayan a second he straight up went to akk's mom and cringed on to her.
"Ai akk why are you picking on him. You should be thankful that he said yes and cherish him other waise you will be single for your whole life. If it wasn't for ayi I don't think you will be able to find such a love." Akk's mom said while pating ayan's head.

"No one let me finish.... What I wanted to say is no matter how he seems or what he does he is always the cutest and prettiest person I have ever met. And he is my one and only.... love of my life." Akk said looking at ayan.

Everyone left the newly engaged couple alone and left their love nest the next day. remaining days of akk's vacation was spend according to ayan's plan. Soon before they even realise everyone was busy planning akk and ayan's wedding.

Their parents wanted to buy them a house as wedding gift which they can cherish life long. But akk ayan didn't want to financially burden their parents as the wedding expenses were on them. Mom's were too exited for the wedding as akk and ayan both were only child of their respective parents. So at the end they bought a house half of the payment was made by akk and ayan.

Their house was not in the city but it only took 2 hour drive to nearest city. House had this beautiful backyard. So they decided to host their wedding there.

There was very limited number of guests just the important ones. House was decorated with flowers. Everything was minimalistic yet too pretty.

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Everyone wore pastel color outfits other than the grooms

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Everyone wore pastel color outfits other than the grooms. Kan, wat and meen were akk's grooms men and for ayan it was ping, namo and thua. Everyone was saying how it's bad luck to see grooms to each other before wedding so they didn't saw each other since yesterday and both were getting impatient.

It was almost time. Akk was at his chamber standing in front of a mirror.
"Are you getting cold feet?" Akk heard a familiar voice and turn around to see.
"If you are having second thoughts then do you wanna run away together?" After hearing it akk left out a small finally his nervousness was calmed down a little.

"P' you made it. I thought you were gonna bail on me" Akk said and hugged that person as a way of greeting. "You look handsome" After hearing it akk spoke  " Oh... We're you serious about running away together?"

"Well I was always serious about you but now when I think it's not a good idea" Before he finishes his sentense akk asked why and went in front of mirror to ware his jacket.

"Well first you can't live without him and second, if I pull any shit ayan will burry me alive." They both laughed as they knew ayan is pretty much capable to do that.

He then turned akk towards him and adjusted akk's jacket. "P'mes  Are you sure that's all the reasons?.." Akk asked teasingly "what? ... What else can be there? " Mes replied with a question.
"A reason named boom.... " Akk emphasized the name boom. Mes tried to play it cool and then akk said. "Don't forget P' I'm your only close friend, I can tell and that boy is so obvious"

"Akk you are groom don't act like Cupid. " Mes left blushing. And that was not because of akk.

Akk and ayan walked down the aisle together. Holding each other's hands. Both looked so handsome and beautiful they stared each other as if they were seeing the other for first time. Then there was really loud applause as everyone was cheering for the grooms. they could see all their loved ones were cheering for them and everyone was genuinely happy.

After akk said I do priest asked ayan for everyones surprise he didn't replay back. Akk was looking anxiously towards ayan then ayan said. "I'm considering my options because some one here wanted to run away" Everyone looked curious but akk knew what it was.

"Before acting like a jealous wife please say I do so that you can officially be my wife first. " Akk said in a low voice only ayan could hear it.

"Well technically I will be your husband by law not wife and I'm gonna be possessive one though." He said to akk and continued "I do" But this was loud and clear. Then they kissed .

It was time to throw bouquet they both hold a bouquet of sunflower and threw it together. 1..2...3
And namo was giving his all to catch it but someone jumped and catch it in glimpse of a second. Everyone wondered who he is and an annoyed namo asked. "Who are you? And where did you came from? You know elder brothers are still waiting right?"

The boy hold on to that bouquet tightly and had big smile on his face as if he won a lottery or something. He replied "hello my name is boom I'm with P'mes"
"P'... You came all the way to show of your lover? " Namo asked
"No he is not my lover" Mes replied "not yet" Boom add with a smile. And everyone laughed seeing their expressions.

"Are you related to ayan because the way you are boldly chasing someone is really like what he did in the past" Wat added
"Really? Then P'ayan can you give me some advice? " Boom asked "he even took it as a compliment" Namo said hearing boom's reply.

"Shut Up namo, If you are sure about someone and your feelings there is nothing wrong about hitting on them.... Unless they are comitted to someone else" Ayan said with a confident smile.

As it was there house guests started to leave one by one after celebrating till night. Akk and ayan greeted everyone and stood at the entrance holding each other's hands and smiling ear to ear.

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Authors note:
Happy Christmas 🎄🍒

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I'm sorry if there is any grammatical errors and spelling mistakes I wrote it in a rush because I wanted post it as a Christmas gift for everyone...

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