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As the night extended their day skipped the part of morning. It was already noon.

Ayan felt really warm in akk's embrace. He slightly opened his eyes and peaked at akk who was still sleeping. Ayan started to feel akk's messy hair with his fingers then move to his forehead straight down on the nose line his fingers stoped on akk's lips. He ran his finger through akk's outer lip then he went for the opening of lips. Akk's lips were dry but yet soft and fluffy. As ayan's finger touched inner portion of his boyfriends lips ayan left a sound.

"Ahh.. "
It's was not him moaning in pleasure. It was him crying as akk suddenly bite ayans finger tip.

"Aren't you tired?" Akk asked while trying to get up from the bed.
" It's just, I didn't get enough of you"
Ayan said while pulling akk on top of him.
Akk gently removed the hair strands which were covering ayans eyes and moved his hands to his cheek. His thumb brushing on ayans lips. Akk said " Well I think I have to give you a piece of me then.... "

Akk put his lips on ayan and ayan responded and kissed him back. It was not like the kiss they shared yesterday this was soft and gentle which is full of love and warmth. Where yesterdays kiss was rough and full of needs as if they were claiming on each other. But now the clouds of uncertainty are cleared what left was love and dreams.

They kissed for 3to4 minutes but when Akk felt ayan had changed the pace and now he is starting to demand more akk pulled out. Ayan was confused and looked at with questions in his eyes.

" I don't want you laying on the bed with a broken back when I leave tomorrow. "
Akk said while patting ayan's head.

"Idiot... I'm going to take a shower" Ayan was annoyed but once he stood up he get it why akk said that. But ayan being ayan tried to not trumble as it was now on his pride.

But akk hugged ayan from back with his hand raping ayans waist. He said "I really missed you ayi......I don't really say it often but I want you to know that I really love you ...more and more as time goes. Although past year felt like a decade but I know we will manage, no matter how long it takes I will wait for you. "

Ayan's tears started to fall as he heard akk's words. He was happy there have been days he cried in that room by himself feeling down and questioning his choices. But as for today it is tears of joy as it might be one of the happiest days in his life.

Ayan turned to face akk with akk's hands still on his waist and said "Im waiting to return to you and I promise it won't be that long. I love you. "

Akk responded with a warm embrace and they stood like that for sometime.

grrrrrrrrrrr grrrrrrrrrrr
The sudden noise took them by surprise but it was ayan's stomach. They saw each other and laugh it off.
"Come on... Let me give you a bath and let's eat something out" Akk said and carried ayan to the shower.

They got changed and went nearby place to eat brunch. And after that they spend some quality time together they even went to the nearby park. Holding each others hand they were living the life they ever wanted. After some shopping and a little date they return to ayan's apartment.

Akk played one of the film wat had recommend him. And surprisingly ayan end up enjoying it too. they had a movie night at home, and ended up asleep on each others shoulders.

In a blink of eye it was the morning of departure. Ayan had afternoon classes so he accompanied akk all the way to the airport. They both didn't want to part with each other but they had to in order to get their forever.

Now the feelings have grown stronger and their worries seemed fading away. And they were ready for the future, atleast they thought.

Time fled and it was already time for the next academic year. During the break after returning from US akk joined a pre-graduate internship program while ayan took some extra classes. But this time they were more confident about themselves and their relationship.

Ayan managed to call akk before akk's class starts to wish him luck on first day of his sophomore year. Kan and namo saw akk on phone with ayan and didn't miss the chance to tease him.

"Akk... "

As someone called akk's name everyone stopped and looked towards the direction were the voice came from.
Ayan who was on the phone was also curious but as the bell rang akk had to end the call.

Authors note:
I'm gonna introduce the owner of that voice in next chapter. But let me give you a hint, it's someone from the past (from eclipse drama). I had this(owner of that voice) on my mind from the very first time I started writing this story. If you are wondering who is that then please comment your guess (it's a character from the original series). 💜

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