Chapter 23~ Diamonds

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"But all you need to know is, when you truly love someone, and you can see yourself spending the rest of your life with them, and only them, everything else will be easy and will fall into place."

Boston's chill morning air hit the couple as they got out of their car and started making their way into the hospital.

It was a surprise that this year's winter was not cold enough for it to snow, but the temperature was still low enough for Blue to crave a cup of hot steaming peppermint latte that a street-side vendor had set up outside the entrance.


"I already know what you're going to ask, and the answer is 'No'." Ethan responded to her with an amused smirk.

"I didn't even say anything!" Blue bickered as they continued walking.

"I can smell the waft of diabetes all the way from here." Ethan said, making a show of pointing to the peppermint latte stand. "I'll make you a proper coffee in the office."

"But it's Christmas and the only proper coffee to have is peppermint flavored ones." Blue replied, crossing her arms and pouting a lips ever so slightly for extra measure, knowing that her husband would not be able to not succumb to that.

With an exaggerated sigh and pinching the bridge of his nose with an endeared smile, Ethan finally said, "Fine. The things I do for you..."

Chuckling, Blue watched as Ethan made his way over to the coffee stand, ordering their peppermint lattes. Of course, Blue could have gone and got one for herself, but she always loved teasing her husband and get a rise out of him ever so often, and Ethan always gave in to it, enjoying their banter as well.

Blue's smile faltered slightly when she felt a familiar yet strange chill at the back of her neck. She immediately turned around, her eyes darting to find the source of it, a feeling she had not been able to get rid of since the time she had been going home from the softball practice. It felt like as if someone was watching her and Blue had seen and experienced enough to always be cautious even if it was just a gut feeling.

"There you go, your abomination in a cup."

Blue turned back to Ethan when she heard him as he handed her a steaming cup of peppermint latte, the sweet and bitter aroma combined easing her almost immediately. Not to mention her husband's presence as well, making her feel safe automatically.

"You alright?" Ethan asked, noticing the slight bout of unease on her face, ever so in tune with her emotions.

Blue considered telling him about the gnawing feeling at the back of her mind that she had felt more than once now. However, knowing how protective and worried her husband could get, Blue did not want to pile this on him over a mere feeling and intuition that could just all be in her head.

"I'm good." she told him with a smile, and though she could tell he was not completely convinced, he nodded his head, the both of them entering Edenbrook together to start off their day of work.


The day whizzed by as the diagnostics team solved case after case, working through them all rather quickly.

Before long, they had arrived at their final case, and were finally closing off...

"Childhood trauma perhaps?" Blue pondered out aloud.

"Possible." Ethan nodded, writing it down on the white board he was using for their discussion.

"You think something that happened in his childhood could be affecting his cortisol levels and causes him to have abrupt manic episodes?" Tobias asked.

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