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"Analise!" Ana heard as she zipped up her travel bag. She smiled, knowing who it was, I mean who else would just walk into her house without knocking and yell for her?

The one and only, Conrad Fisher.

"Conrad!" She yelled back, starting her way through her hallway and down the stairs.

"How is school? Oh! And football?" She heard as she rounded the corner and saw her mother smothering him in her warm loving hugs.

"Both are good, thank you." Conrad laughed, and slipped out of her grip before walking over to Ana and grabbing her things from her, placing a small kiss on her cheek.

"Mom.. you're doing it again!" Ana groaned, jokingly.

"Oh shush. Do you have everything? Your inhaler? How about some flip flops?" Her mother pushed.

"Yes, mama. Thank you." She laughed, kissing her cheek before pulling on her sneakers, and saying one more goodbye to her mother.

She walked out and saw a smirking Jeremiah fisher leaning against the side of Conrad's car.

"Jere bear." Ana greeted with a huge grin.

"Ana banana." He retorted, opening her door for her and letting her climb in.

"I'm so excited! I've never left town before.. and the pictures I see, and how your mom explained cousins. I'm just... ahhh!" She squealed, as everyone buckled up and started driving.

"I'm excited for you to see it all. This place is literally our second home. But happens to be our favorite place in the whole world." Jere spoke up.

"Youll love it, Lise." Conrad smiled over to her, placing his hand on her thigh.

"Do you think everyone will like me? Not talking about your mom.. but you know.. your 'family friends' that basically sound like your siblings?" Ana asked the boys.

"Well, considering our mom loves you, I think Laurel, Belly, and Steven definitely will." Her boyfriend reassured.

"Oh, yeah. Definitely Steven." Jere teased.

"Belly is such a cute nickname, I'm excited to meet her. Maybe while you boys go do stuff, her and I can maybe hangout. Like a girls night!" She giggled.

After her and Conrad went on their first date three years ago, all she's heard about was cousins. She was so happy that she finally gets to go. I mean she was always aloud to go. But the summer was usually the time where she stayed with her dad.

"Yeah, is that before or after you guys fight over-"
Conrad cut Jeremiah off quickly, he cleared his throat loudly and looked at him in the mirror. Silently telling him to shut up.

"Maybe, we'll see." Conrad said.

"What? What aren't you telling me?" Analise laughed, obviously confused.

"Nothing, this is going to be the best summer of your life! Are you ready?" Jere asked, changing the subject. Which worked too easily because Ana grinned widely and nodded quickly.

Uncertainty| Conrad Fisher Where stories live. Discover now