S E V E N .

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"Have you seen Ana?" Conrad asked, as he walked downstairs and to Jeremiah.

"Uh, yeah. Shes in my room." He mumbled, he didnt want to start anything, not again.

Ana had slept in his room last night because she didnt want to be with Conrad, so jere slept on the couch.

Conrad just nodded his head and made his way up the stairs. He wasn't mad, he couldn't be. He did this to himself. He pushed her away.

He knocked on the door and slowly walked in to see her laying in bed. Her eyes were puffy and red, her nose was pink along with her cheeks.

"Baby..." he whispered.

Ana turned over and looked up at him, "Baby." She cried.

He instantly got into the bed and wrapped his arms around her while she cried. They sat like that for a little while before she finally stopped after a good ten minutes.

"Why are you crying?" He asked her.

"I want to break up." Was all she said, and the silence in the room started to drown them, Conrad's eyes filled up quickly.

"It's all my fault." He whimpered, "I've just... I don't know." He stopped himself again, not telling her what has been going on. He didnt need to. He knew there was no reason big enough to really make him treat her the way that he had been.

"It's okay. You're not ready to talk to me about what's going on yet. I understand. I'm not mad at you." She started, sitting up and looking  at the boy, "I'm just sad, really sad."

Conrad sniffled and nodded, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be... I'll always be here when you need me though. To talk about anything... and uh- I've actually decided to stay in cousins for the summer still." Ana said, making the boy look to her in confusion. "Jere is still my best friend. And he's going to get me a job at the country club while I'm here." She explained.

Conrad nodded his head, "you can take the room-"

"No, I uh... I'm actually going to sleep in Jere's room." She said quietly. Ana took a deep breath and smiled softly, "this will also give you a chance to figure out your feelings for belly."

The boys eyes widened as he tried to stutter out something, anything.

"I'm not upset.. at all. You grew up with her, she likes you, you might like her. That's fine. I just wish it didnt take you three years to figure it out." She laughed sadly, "I shouldn't have gotten in between that. And I wouldn't have if you had just been honest with me."

"A sorry would never be enough for you. You deserve more than that. You deserve so much better than whatever the fuck I've been doing to you." He said, wiping his eyes, standing up quickly.

Ana stood in front of him and wrapped her arms around his waist pulling him into a hug,
"I do, for sure."

After she said that it was silence for the rest of the time. They split apart and he left, while she went to grab her stuff from his room, throwing it all onto Jeremiah's bed.

She looked at her clothes that were just piled in a huge mountain on top of the messy bed and sighed.

This was supposed to be their summer. Not his and Bellys. They were supposed to fix their relationship. They were supposed to go back to normal. But she knew that wasn't happening, not anytime soon at least.

But she was going to make it her mission to still have the best summer shes ever had. She was planning on hanging out with Jere and Steven the rest of the time. She was going to work, keep her distance from Conrad, and especially Belly.

She wasn't mad at belly and Conrad. She was disappointed. She really wanted to be Belly's friends but that obviously wasn't happening. She didnt even want to be around her, she was so upset at how things had turned out.


Everyone sat around in the living room as belly opened her birthday gifts that everyone had gotten her.

Ana knew Conrad had gotten her a gift, because she went with him to shop for a gift for her. She ended up getting her a couple of things as well because she didnt want to see rude. And she was still planning on giving them to her, but Conrad had a different idea.

"Okay, Connie you're next." Susannah said, after everyone was done with their first.

"Sorry, I forgot." He said, obviously in a bad mood.

"Uh, that's.. that's cool. I wasn't really expecting anything, anyway." Belly said awkwardly.

"Uh, I did get you something... I hope you don't mind." Ana spoke softly, handing here the bag of gifts to hand to her.

She smiled at Ana. Genuinely smiled. She didnt know Ana had gotten anything, and she didnt even know she knew her birthday was coming up. But she thought it was so sweet that she had gotten her something. Especially after Conrad's awkward answer.

"Thank you." Belly said, starting to open it.

She pulled out a lavender dress that was flowey and gorgeous. She looked at it with admiring eyes, "this is so pretty." She whispered.

"There's more." She laughed softly, not realizing she might've gone too far with the gifts.

She pulled out some pretty brown sandals, then a necklace with a pretty gold heart on it. And last but not least she pulled out a ring box. She opened it up and it held a beautiful silver ring, with a couple of diamonds.

"This is.. gorgeous." She whispered admiring the ring.

"I'm- I'm glad you like it.. I hope it fits." She responded.

Belly slowly slipped the ring on her middle finger, "it does, it's gorgeous. I really, really, appreciate it."

Ana smiled at the girl, as Belly started to feel so badly for how she treated her.

"Uh.. anyway, I got to go meet with Cleveland. So, I'll see you guys later." Conrad interrupted.

"Yeah, and maybe we could practice driving before picking up Taylor?" Jere spoke up, looking to belly.

"Yeah, sure." She smiled, "did you want to tag along?" She asked looking to ana.

"Oh.. I- I'm okay. Thank you, though." She said, kinda taken aback.

"I'll see you later." Jere said, hugging her quickly before taking off with belly.

Uncertainty| Conrad Fisher Where stories live. Discover now