T W E L V E .

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Ana was finished cleaning everything up. She made her way up the stairs and to Susannah's room to check on her, and let her know that everything was taken care of.

She rounded the corner, she was close to her door when she stopped after hearing the two woman speaking to each other.

"You're gonna need him... the boys are gonna need him." Laurel said.

"We will be fine without him." Susannah responded.

"Okay, but clearly you aren't."

"You always think you know so much better than everyone else. Just stop trying to manage my life."

"If I don't, who will? Beck, you're not thinking this through! Who's gonna drive you to your appointments, who's gonna make sure the boys are eating and going to school?"

"Look, I am doing my best, okay? So just stop pressuring me."

"You know I'm gonna be the one who has to clean all this up."

"Well, nothing will make you happier."

"Fuck you." Laurel finished, storming out of the room, she passed ana but she didnt even see the young girl.

Ana turned the corner, finally walking into the room.

"Are you.. are you sick again?" Ana asked softly walking into the room.

Susannah looked at the girl with wide teary eyes,
"Ana, you weren't... honey you weren't supposed to hear that."

"You're leaving Adam, and you're sick?" She asked again.

The woman started to break down, her tears flowing down her cheeks. She slowly walked over and sat on her bed, her head in her hands.

"The cancer is back." She sobbed.

Ana ran to her side and hugged her tightly, "I am so, so, sorry."

"Don't be. Do not be sorry. This is not your fault." She said.

"Is this why you asked me to take care of your boys?" She asked, and Susannah gave her a small nod, "oh, Susannah... I will do everything in my power to help you and them."

Ana's eyes filled with tears. Her heart was breaking for Susannah, and her boys. She knew for sure that they didnt know yet... but what if Conrad did? Is that why he was acting so off?

She considered Susannah a second mom. She loved her like one. And Susannah always took care of her like one. She couldn't imagine a life without this amazing woman. She felt absolutely destroyed.

"Please, please, don't tell them." She cried, finally looking at the young girl.

"I won't. This is something you have to tell them." She croaked.

Susannah nodded sadly and pulled the girl close to her, kissing her head softly.

"I love you, Ana."

"I love you."


After the long talk, and comforting thing she was doing with Susannah she cleaned herself up and walked downstairs. She just wanted to see Conrad. Be with him, even for just a moment.

She went on to the back porch and saw him and belly having another moment together. Both of them leaning in to kiss each other.

Jere noticed them as well, and he noticed how heart broken Ana had looked. He pulled out a small firework he had left and walked up to the young girl. He looked at her with a small, sad, smile and lit it up.

It shot through the air and got way too close to Conrad and Belly. It broke them apart quickly and she turned to him with wide eyes.

Neither of them meant for that to happen, but they both didnt care it did. They even thought it was funny.

Ana was the first to laugh, she broke out into a fit of laughter, Jere falling into her foot steps. When they finally caught their breath they stared at each other for a moment. Both of them wanting to do the same things but not having enough courage to do them.

"Let's go, I'm exhausted." She said softly, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the house gently.


"Are you okay?" Jere asked softly, as he laid on the floor in their bedroom.

"I just... yes, I'm fine." She sighed, suddenly feeling like Conrad 2.0.

Jere sat up and looked at her, she slowly slid over, making room in the bed for him to fit in with her. He climbed into the bed. Both of them looking at each other.

She knew it was wrong, and so did he. But they both leaned in slowly and their lips connected.

At first it was soft, and sweet. Just like Conrad's. But then it turned into passionate, and longing.

Jere had been waiting for this moment for years now. And he was soaking it all up.

She quickly slid her hands to cup his face as she got on top of him. his hands going down her thighs.

"Do you..?" He whispered finally pulling apart.

Ana thought for a second. At first she was going to say no... but then she started thinking about how Conrad was already moving on with Belly. She wanted that. She wanted to move on. And even though one night won't make her move on and forget about three years. She knew she wanted to try at least.

"Yes." She whispered back.

Jere nodded and leaned up to kiss the girl again. This time it wasn't sweet, or passionate. It was pleading to her, it was begging her for more. Silently telling her that he's always wanted this.

Jere flipped the girl so that he was on top. He slipped off his shirt, and helped her with hers before going down and untying her sweatpants, pulling those off. Along with her underwear.

He admired her for a moment. Taking it all in. She was perfect. Everything about her. Not even just her body, but her mind, and soul. His old feelings that he pushed down so deeply came rushing back once again.

He licked his lips before kissing her thighs gently, leaving a trail of kisses all the way up to her neck, then back to her lips.

"I have to grab the condom, hold on." He said quickly.

He got up, got in his dresser and pulled one out before pulling down his pants, placing the protection on and getting back into bed.

"You're sure?" He asked one more time. Just to make sure everything was perfect for her too.

She nodded, "I'm one hundred percent sure."

He slowly reached down, and slid it in. Making her moan softly.

He leaned down, putting his head next to hers as he started thrusting.

"I love you, Ana." He whispered.

"I love you, jere." She moaned. She didnt know if she really meant it romantically. But she said it anyway. Just telling him that she loved him, and she loved this...

Uncertainty| Conrad Fisher Where stories live. Discover now