F O U R T E E N .

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Anas phone started to ring, she quickly looked at it and saw Jere's name pop up.

"I- I have to see what this is about.. he's trying to get me a job." She mumbled showing him her phone.

He nodded and listened in to their conversation. And wish he hadn't when they ended the phone call with 'i love you's'.

"I got an interview in thirty minutes." She said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Ill, uh, I'll take you." He offered,

"Thank you." She smiled softly and watched as he left the room.


"You ready?" He asked as the girl came running down the stairs.

"Yes, thank you so much for driving me. I really, really, appreciate." She rushed, struggling to pull on her shoes.

Conrad chuckled at the girl. They both left the house and got into his car. They also sat in silence for a little while before Conrad finally spoke up.

"I'm sorry. For everything... I'll let you figure out your feelings for Jere and me. And no matter what you decide I'll always love you.. I'll always be there for you." He started, and Ana looked to him. "I just.. I want to talk to you. About everything. I'll finally be honest, and open. Starting today.. I guess. I'm not going to hold back."

Ana smiled and took the boys hand into hers,
"I would love that, Connie." 

The boy squeezed her hand and took a deep breath,
"Starting with.. I don't have feelings for belly. I know I don't. When I see her, I want to see you. When I hear her voice, I want to hear yours. When I touch her.. I want to touch you. I want you, and only you. I am so sorry for what I've done."

"I was confused. I'm pretty sure all my shit has been getting to my head. But I am so sorry. I'm going to give you time. Let you figure everything out. If you decide you still want me, I'll be here. If you don't.. then I'll still be here."

He pulled into the clubs parking lot and parked his car, sighing.

"I'd wait years for you." He finished.

Ana sniffled, her eyes a little watery.

"You've hurt me.. so much in the last couple of months. I just.. i need time." She said, "I love you, Connie and I wish we could've had this break through a lot earlier."

Conrad nodded, "like I said, I'd wait years for you." 

Ana reached over and kissed his cheek lightly before getting out of the car and making her way to the clubs entrance.

Conrad looked at his phone and saw three texts from belly already, he texted her back and said 'I'll see you when you get back'. He was going to let her down gently. Explain everything to her.

But she was staring at her with with a giant smile. She was excited to see him and see what he was going to say to her. She was so close to getting the boy of her dreams.


"Jere!" She shouted, catching the boys attention.

Uncertainty| Conrad Fisher Where stories live. Discover now