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The teens were outside playing beer pong when Conrad asked about the Deb ball dance lessons, to which cam said,

"Oh, she hasn't really asked me yet."

"Oh, dude, im sure she will. Trust me." Jere smiled widely, obviously drunk.

Conrad's face was hopeful, and when cam said she hadn't asked him yet he looked down at the table. He was hoping she wouldn't... he was hoping she'd ask him, which he hated himself for.

"Yeah, well anyway. Who are you taking?" Cam asked, turning to Ana, not realizing she had dropped out of the Deb ball.

"Oh, I was going to take- uh- but im not going to do it anymore." Ana cleared her throat awkwardly as she watched the boys continue playing.

Belly walked out of the house and walked up to cam taking a deep breath, "hey, um, I thought you didnt drink."

Cam held his cup up and shook his head, "oh, it's water. It's water. Jeremiah's been drinking for me."

"Mhm, I love this kid so much. So fun!" Jere giggled leaning all over the poor boy.

"Okay..." Ana laughed loudly, pulling Jere off of cam and letting belly take him.

"Can we leave? Like now?" Belly asked, eyeing Ana.

Belly had just had an argument up stairs with Taylor and Taylor said some things that pissed belly off.

'You ruined someone's relationship just yo get with a stupid guy! Belly, you're the self absorbed one.'

Cam and belly said their goodbyes and left the party quietly.

"Hey, jere..." Ana said walking over to the boy, "can we go home?"

Jere nodded quickly, and sighed a little, "I actaully can't drive, neither can you so.."

The two teens looked at Conrad. He shook his head and walked past them heading to his car.

"Thank you." Ana mumbled getting into the back with Jere.

"Yep." He responded.


"Morning, Ana banana." Jere greeted as he jumped on the bed to wake her up.

"No... I- I can't. The sun..." Ana dramatically spoke, covering her eyes with her hand and sticking her tongue out.

"Acting like you're dead. Classic Ana." Jere laughed, laying beside her and looking up to the ceiling, "it's the fourth, the moms are going to throw a party, and we can invite some friends. Today's going to be a good day."

Ana uncovered her eyes and smiled at the boy,
"Yeah, and I get to stuff my face with any food I see. Sounds like a good plan."

Jere admired the girl for a moment, and so did she. She never realized how blue his eyes are. Theyre beautiful.

But he just couldn't stop looking at her lips. This was the first time she had been singles since they've been friends. He wanted to take advantage of this time.

Uncertainty| Conrad Fisher Where stories live. Discover now