F I F T E E N .

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"Come on." Jere laughed as him and Ana were trying to get out of the house quietly. Not trying to wake anyone.

"Shhh." She laughed.

The walked out of the house and instantly ran and jumped into the pool. He had taken her to the store earlier that day, so she didnt need a giant T-shirt. Just her bathing suit.

They came up for air and started swimming in a small circle around each other.

"Did you hear belly broke up with cam?" Jere asked.

"Yeah.. uh, Conrad told me."

"She was hoping to start something with him." He continued.

"I know, Conrad told me." She laughed, repeating herself.

"That doesn't bother you?" He asked.

"Of course it does. But... I don't know." Ana sighed.

Jeremiah laughed a little, making Ana look at him with a grin.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Nothing..." he looked at her for a moment, "everything. You're my best friend. But, there are times I wanted it to be more." He said, swimming closer.

"Really? Even while I was with-"

"Yeah, it sounds awful.. but yeah. I was just... waiting. I guess."

"For me?" She asked intently.

"Yeah." He whispered, their faces now inches apart.

Jere picked her up, her legs wrapping aroung his waist as they started kissing. It was everything she wanted.. but she couldn't help thinking about Conrad. How she wished he had kissed her like this... how she missed when he did kiss her like this.

She pulled away, looking into Jere's bright blue eyes.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

She smiled, brushing her hand through his hair, then down his face, cupping around his neck lightly. If Conrad wasnt going to do this for her, Jere was.. why would she give this up? This is all she wanted.

"Yes." She nodded, leaning back down to kiss him more.


Anas eyes peeled open, a smile instantly forming on her face. She turned over and looked to the boy behind her, sleeping peacefully.

"Morning, lovely," she spoke, flipping over, "it's tournament day." She said excitedly.

"Yeah, are you nervous?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Not at all, why?" She asked, rubbing her thumb against his cheek.

"Because you're going against belly and Taylor. Who are obsessed with volleyball." He laughed.

Ana hadn't played volleyball officially, like on a team. But she played it anytime she could, she loved volleyball and basketball. And she never lost a game whenever she played either sport.

Uncertainty| Conrad Fisher Where stories live. Discover now