F I V E .

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"Morning." Conrad whispered, as he brushed the girls hair out of her face.

She slowly opened her eyes and was hit with a huge migraine, "oh... no."

Conrad laughed as he watched the beautiful girl play dead, "Ana.. Ana I know you're not dead."

"Please. Save yourself." She joked, opening only one eye to peek at him.

"You're so beautiful." He smiled, looking down at her.

"Says you."

He leaned down and kissed her gently. This threw her off. Not the kissing.. that didnt. But the way he did. It was like when they first started dating.

It was soft, but rough. It was sweet, and sensual. And it made every nerve in her body spark.

"I'm gonna go to the beach for a little bit, just to clear my head. And when I get back, I am going to talk to you. I mean really talk to you. I'm going to tell you everything." He said softly, making Ana smile widely.

"Finally." She whispered, kissing him once more before he stood up, and said his goodbyes.

She was about to close her eyes again, when she heard a knock at the door. She turned her head and saw Jere standing in her doorway with a drink in hand.

"Ana banana." He greeted.

"Jere bear." She said, tapping the bed, motioning him to sit with her.

He walked in and sat on the bed, watching as she slowly sat up, obviously in pain.

"Don't tell me that's your hang over smoothie?"

"Oh but it is. Enjoy." He smiled.

"Thank you." She said.

They both sat in a comfortable silence for a moment. Neither of them knowing what to say.

"Do you remember last night?" He asked.

"Yes, I remember everything. I wasn't that drunk." She said, taking a huge sip of his smoothie.

He nodded awkwardly, "have you talked to him? He seems to be in a good mood."

"I have... and hopefully him and I will talk.. work things out."

"As your best friend.. and as the person you tell everything to.. are you sure it's going to work out?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

He has witnessed, and heard, a lot of arguments. Most of them were about Conrad pushing Ana away.

"I- I hope so. I don't think I can just start over again with someone new. You know? I've been planning my whole life with him. I can't just forget it all." She sniffled a little, thinking about how hard it's been.

"My brother loves you.. Ana. And I know you love him. I'm just saying, if the relationship really isn't working, think about yourself for once. Put yourself first." He said, squeezing her hand.

Analise smiled sadly at the boy, squeezing his hand back. Not know that belly was just in the hallway, ready to tell Conrad everything and twist what she had just heard/ witnessed.


Conrad walked into the bedroom with tear rimmed eyes. Ana noticed quickly and moved from her painting on the floor and stood up, trying to grab his hands but he quickly pulled away.

"What's wrong?" She asked, concern etched into her face.

The boy scoffed, "belly told me."

Ana's face turned from concerned to confused. What could belly possibly tell him?

"Told you what?"

"Don't- I knew when we got together you and Jere had feelings for each other. But you told me that you wanted me. So why are you holding hands with him, and talking about breaking up with me?" He shouted.

Jeremiah who happened to be in the other room heard Conrad's shouting. He heard everything he said. He sighed and stormed into the room.

"I'm not, lovely. I-"

"Don't play innocent. I knew from the day I met you I'd always have to compete with my brother. My own brother!" He yelled, and the girl stepped back.

"Calm down, dude." Jere said walking up to the angry boy.

"Great, you always come and save the day."

"I don't know what belly told you but that's not what what happened. At all." Jere tried.

"Yeah? Why would she lie?" He asked.

"Are you kidding me? Do you really have to ask that question?" Analise asked, Conrad looked at the floor, silence falling over them, "shes in love with you Conrad... this morning when you left Jere came to check up on me cause I was upset last night about what happened."

"We talked about how you and I were going to fix things, and how it would be the hardest thing to start over with someone new after giving myself to you for three fucking years... and Jere told me that if you and I really weren't working. If I was genuinely miserable to put myself first." She cried, sitting on the bed in front of the boys.

Conrad looked between the two who were obviously upset. He sighed loudly. How could he let belly feed him those lies? Why did he believe her?


"If you really think that I'm cheating on you, or whatever, with Jeremiah... or if you think you're competing with him, just break up with me? Because you obviously believed her and all the bullshit she fed you." Ana finished brushing past him, and leaving the boys in the room.

"Look, man. Shes my best friend. And you know how I feel... how I felt about her. You know that I pushed them aside just so you could be happy. So don't ever say anything to me, or her.. about constantly competing with me." Jere finished, walking out of the room.

Conrad slammed the door quickly and sat on the bed with his hands on his head.

How could he let Belly get to him so badly? And what was he feeling for her in the first place? He was so confused, and upset about everything.

He told Ana he was going to be better... he said that he was going to fix things, but it seemed like he was just making it worse, with the help of belly.

Uncertainty| Conrad Fisher Where stories live. Discover now