E L E V E N .

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"May i present! The belly special!" Belly yelled as she walked down to the beach with a drink in hand and more for everyone sitting around.

"Ooh, very nice." Her friend Nicole said.

"Those look awesome!"

"We saved you the inflatable unicorn." Ana smiled, as she pointed to it.

"Well, thank you." She giggled, already drunk.

"Hey! Guys look!" Jere shouted, and everyone looked to see Cam walking up to them.

"Oh, I'm good, man. Thank you, I don't drink." He said after Conrad offered him some of the drink.

"Yes, that's right." Conrad mumbled.

"More for me." Ana smiled, sitting up and grabbing the cup from Conrad, making him smile at the girl.

He thought she was the cutest girl alive. Especially when she cringed cause she could taste even the slightest amount of alcohol in the drink.

"There's no way you can taste it." Conrad laughed.

"Oh, but I can." She said, making a funny face.

"It's not a race, Ana." Nicole laughed.

"Yeah, save some for the rest of us please." Jere said, watching the girl basically chug the rest of her drink.

Conrad looked at Jere and then back to Ana. He didnt realize until now how close they were to each other. She was basically on top of him.

For him it bothered him, it felt different. But for them it was nothing. Which bothered him more. He poured himself another drink and downed it just as she had.

"Okay, wait. But what if it was a race? Isn't that the idea of every drinking game?" Belly asked.

"You wanna play a drinking game?" Gigi asked.

Belly took a second but laughed, "why not? I mean it's the Fourth of July right?"

"Fuck it." Conrad said.

"Let's do it." Ana giggled.

All of the teens sat around and played the game. Almost everyone getting at least tipsy, but belly.. she was most definitely drunk.

After the game was done, they still kept going. The boys were playing corn home, while the girls all danced around and laughed.

Belly even grabbed Ana's hand and spun her around, but Ana had tripped, falling on Nicole.

"I am so sorry!" Ana laughed, along with the other girls who were laughing hysterically.


"Okay, but did you know she was one of the last people to visit Lindsay Lohans beach club in Mykonos before it closed?" Gigi gossiped.

They had moved the hangout back to the deck at the house. So now they were just sitting around talking about whatever came to mind.

Uncertainty| Conrad Fisher Where stories live. Discover now