S I X T E E N .

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A/N: don't be mad, but I'm not going to write the whole tournament. I'm just going to skip To the end. <3

It was Belly and Taylor against Ana and Jere. Ana was really into the game. She wasn't all the competitive. But now she was up against belly... she wanted to win. She couldn't let belly win, it would really just be one of the happiest moment in her life.

Belly was impressed. She didnt think Ana had it in her. But the girl was also so excited. She thought she was going to absolutely wreck her and Jere. Especially after seeing how Jere was playing.

Ana had the ball first, she quickly bumped it over the net running up and getting in her spot.

It went between the four for a moment before belly spiked it and Jere didn't even try to get it, just stared at Ana.

"That was you!" Ana said.

"I thought that was you!" He responded.

This happened more times than Ana would like to admit. The last time he did Ana sighed, running her hands through her hair.

"I'm sorry, jere." She spoke, "time!" She yelled.
She ran up to Conrad who got closer so he could hear her, "please, I need you."

Conrad looked at the girls pleading eyes. He nodded quickly and ran up to Jere while Ana shouted 'sub'.

Jere walked off, handing Conrad his jersey. He was obviously upset with what was happening.

"Thank you, thank you." Ana whispered to the fisher boy.

He grabbed her waist, pulling her into him as he set his forehead on hers, "we go this."

After that Ana and Conrad made their comeback. They were tied with Belly and Taylor at the moment. Both of them sweating their asses off, and tired out. Belly really was competition..

"One more point. Just one more, baby." Conrad whispered, holding her hand and squeezing tightly.

In that moment, they both felt like their old selves. They felt like they had when they first started dating. The sparks were flying, just by touching her hand, anas whole body felt like it was on fire. Her lips turned into a smile, as she looked at Conrad.

"Oh Connie.. I got this." She whispered back to the boy.

Jere stood on the side. He was insanely jealous. How could she just act like that? They weren't dating, but they basically were together. But to him she just wanted to keep it a secret. While she was out in public acting as if she was still with Conrad. He was pissed.

Ana served the ball harshly, hoping it would throw them off since she had been serving it pretty gently the whole time.

And it worked, they were standing close to the net, waiting for her tight serve. But it ended up being a long one. They didnt expect it, so they didnt have time to run backwards and get it. The ball barely made it in the line, giving Conrad and Ana the last, winning, point.

Ana's eyes went wide as she heard the ref call the point. She turned to Conrad as she ran up to him, instantly jumping into his arms.

"We did it, Connie baby!" She screamed, happily.

"We did!" He laughed, spinning her around.

Jere ran out onto the sand, clearing his throat to get Ana's attention.

"Ana." He said, putting on a fake smile when Conrad set her down and she looked at him, "congrats." He quickly pulled her to him and cupped her face, kissing her passionately.

Ana's eyes went wide, what the hell was he doing? They both talked, and agreed that what they had.. was their secret. Only for them, not for anyone else. Not until she genuinely knew what she wanted. But he had just slapped it in everyone's, literally everyone's faces.

She pushed him off gently and looked at him, "what the hell?" She hissed, she looked around and saw the fishers, and the Conklins all staring at the two with surprised looks.

"What?" He asked.

Ana shook her head quickly and walked away. Leaving everyone behind. She wasn't embarrassed because he kissed her, she'd never be embarrassed to be with him. She was just.. well she didnt even know.


Ana sat on the beach, staring out into the ocean. She was so upset about what happened. She didnt want Conrad to see that. She knew it must've hurt him. She didn't want anyone to see it cause she wasn't even ready to be with Jeremiah officially.

She just wanted time, and jere didnt give that to her.

"Thought I'd find you here." She heard, she looked back and saw Conrad, "you know... everyone has been looking for you."

The girl sighed, "I'm sorry.. I just- i don't know. After he- I just..."

"It's okay." He assured, "everyone was just worried about you."

"I didnt know he was going to do that. That wasn't even the plan. He told me that he'd give me till the end of summer to figure my shit out... and apparently he just couldn't wait. I mean, I can't blame him. Even I feel like I'm leading him on.. of course he's going to want to let everyone know."

"You're not leading any-"

"Yes, yes, I am!" She shouted, anger taking over her. She was angry that she was now the one who couldn't decide, "I love you, you hurt me, so I turned to him. But now... now you're promising me you're going to open up, be different. We- we say things. We do things. All while he... I'm such a terrible fucking person." She cried.

"Ana." Conrad said, sitting next to her, "you are not a terrible person. You're just figuring things out."

"I'm going to fix everything. I just... I can't be with either of you. I already started so much unnecessary drama.. I just need to be with, uh, myself." Ana sighed, wiping away the tears.

It hurt her to think she was hurting her boys. Both of them. She didnt mean for any of this to happen, she wished she could take it all back. Set boundaries with Jere when he found out that Conrad and her broke up.

She wasn't ready for Jere to hate her though. She was so scared. He was truly her best friend. But still, this is going to break him..

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