N I N E .

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Everyone sat around the dinner table. The moms had made belly a special dinner. Everyone was laughing and talking, even Ana and Conrad.

"So, Cam.." Jere started, "mind if I call you cam Cameron?"

"Mm.. yeah, man. Feel free. That's funny." The boy spoke up.

"I'm glad you're here, Cameron. I know your mom Denise from the club. I've heard a lot about you." Susannah said.

"Thank you so much for having me, Susannah. My mom says hi." He responded.

"Cam, Ana, have you guys ever had miyeok-guk before? It's a Korean birthday tradition." Laurel asked, handing the two plates.

"No, looks so good. Thank you." Cam said.

"Thank you." Ana nodded.

"Belly told me your vegetarian, so i didnt put any meat in it." The woman continued.

"Thank you, Laurel. Oh jeez.." he said happily.

"Why don't you eat meat, Cam Cameron?" Jere asked.

"Uh, cause the meat industry is, like, the number one contributor to global warming." Ana answered in a 'duh' tone.

"Yeah, yeah.. you don't eat meat either?" Cam asked.

"Oh, she does.. she can't live without chicken tenders." Conrad chuckled making everyone aroung the table laugh, other than jere and Belly.

"Yeah, I do... but uh, I read a lot about that stuff." She spoke up.

"Just don't come for my leather jacket." Taylor joked.

"I'm pretty sure you mean pleather." Steven shot back, making everyone laugh once again.

"You know, belly eats meat. So you let her kiss you with those lips?" Jere continued.

"I don't judge people for eating meat. It's just like a personal choice. I don't care." Cam laughed.

"So you don't mind if her like.. lips touch a dead animal and then those dead animal lips touch your lips.. right?" He pushed, and Ana punched him under the table. Silently telling him to shut up.

"I, I don't mind at all. In fact..." he said, leaning over and kissing belly.

The whole table was awkward for a moment. Conrad was playing with his food, obviously over the conversation.

"You know, I'm thinking maybe we should go to Nicole's party." Belly spoke, looking to all the teens.

All of them nodded quickly and finished eating their food before getting up to take care of their pkates.

"Hey.. do you wanna go get ready with Taylor and I?" She asked Ana.

"Uh... yeah sure. I'd love that." Ana smiled.

The three girls walked up the stairs and into belly's room, they put on some make up, they talked a little bit about the Deb ball and Belly's date.

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