T H I R T E E N .

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Ana opened her eyes slowly, looking around the room before they fell on Jeremiah who was getting dressed in front of her.

"Morning." She whispered, a huge smile making its way onto her face.

"Morning, pretty." He smiled back, he picked up a pair of his boxers, and a shirt and gave them to her.

She sat up and threw on the shirt before standing up and slipping the boxers on, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm amazing." Jere smiled.

Ana nodded, a grin making its way onto her face. She slowly climbed onto his lap, facing him.

"Me too."

She leaned down and connected her lips with his before pulling away again.

"I really hate to break this up.. but I have to go to work. I also have to talk to my boss to see if you can get in somewhere." The boy said.

"Yeah, obviously.. sorry." She mumbled sliding off of him, awkwardly.

"No, Ana, don't be sorry. I'd love to stay here with you all day... doing whatever we're doing. I just- I need to, you know?" He reassured, cupping her face.

She smiled and noddd her head, kissing him one more time before she started walking him down the stairs.

They entered the kitchen, letting go of each others hands quickly when they saw Conrad.

"Morning." Conrad said, not even looking at the two.

"Morning." They responded, "I'm, uh, I'm gonna... yeah." Ana said awkwardly as she walked back up the stairs to her and Jere's room.

She couldn't look at him, she felt so guilty and on edge.

"Seriously?" Jere asked as he watched Conrad pour the rest of the coffee into his own cup.

"You can have it.." his brother said, happily, "where'd Lise go?"

"Uh, shes probably just getting ready for today. I'm gonna try to get her an interview today." Jere said.

"What about everyone else.. and belly?" He asked.

"Uh, belly and Steven are at the club, doing the whole Deb thing."

"Want some eggs? I'll make some. Does Lise want any?" The boy asked.

"Uh.. I gotta get to the club, and I don't think Ana wants any." He responded.

"Lise loves eggs though..?" Conrad laughed, questioning the boy.

"Uh.. so um what's with the good mood?" The boy asked, changing the subject.

"I don't know, maybe I'm just happy to be alive. After you almost blew me up last night." Conrad laughed, remembering how jere and Ana almost hit him and belly with a firework.

He wasn't laughing cause of the firework.. he was laughing cause he remembered Ana's laugh. That was the happiest he had seen her in awhile.

Uncertainty| Conrad Fisher Where stories live. Discover now