N I N E T E E N .

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"Have you seen jere?" Belly asked Ana.

"Uh.. no, I thought he was with you." She said, looking around for the boy. The dance was about to start.. she needed jere, where was he?

All of the girls and their escorts were getting in position, ready to start the dance. Belly stood awkwardly.

Ana stood up quickly, hoping she could see the boy so she could let him know, but she couldn't even see him in the room.

Belly's eyes started to tear up, Ana seeing this. She looked to Conrad and walked over to him.

"Please, Connie. She needs you. I need to find Jere." She said pulling him out of his seat, and basically shoving him on the dance floor.

"Ana-" he started but watched as the girl left the room.


"Jere!" She shouted, looking for the boy outside, she walked around the side of the club house and saw him. He was holding a phone, sobbing. She had never seen the boy so sad.

She ran up to him quickly and crouched in front of him, "oh, lovely... what's wrong?" She asked.

Jere shoved the phone in her face harshly, "she- it's back."

Ana looked at the text... it was Susannah's phone. He had an email pulled up, the title of the email stating 'upcoming cancer treatment'.

Ana grabbed the phone lightly, turning it off before pulling the boy into a hug where he sobbed into her shoulder.

"I am so sorry..." she cried along with him.

"Why didnt she tell me..? Did- does Conrad know?" He asked, pulling away from her suddenly, filling with anger.

Ana looked away from him for a moment, wiping her tears off of her face.

"Um, yeah... we- we both do." She said.

"You knew? You fucking knew and didnt tell me?!" The boy yelled.

Ana flinched away from him, "she asked me not to tell you... she just told me to take care of you and him. Jere, I'm so sorry-"

"You're supposed to be my best friend! You've done nothing this summer but be an awful fucking person, Analise!" He yelled storming off.

Ana was basically running after the boy, "Jere! Don't! This is belly's night."

"Leave me alone."

"Jere, please. This isn't his fault."

"Shut up, Ana! For once. Just shut the fuck up."

Jere stormed into the room, seeing Conrad and belly dancing. He stayed still for a moment, before the dance finished and he stormed up to Conrad.

He shoved the boy to the ground, both of them starting into a full blown fight.

"You've known this whole fucking time and didnt tell me!" He said punching him.

"Please! Stop!" Ana yelled, trying to pull the boy off of his brother.

"Get the fuck off!" He yelled, pushing her to the ground this time.

She fell hard. Her butt and back hit the ground harshly before a sharp pain shot up her back making her cry out.

"Ana!" Susannah said, running up to her quickly.

"Ana!?" Conrad said, anger taking over him now as he saw Ana on the ground due to his brothers actions.

He tackled the boy to the ground and started punching him really hard, "don't ever touch her like that again." He said between punches.

"Stop it! Both of you, stop it!" Susannah yelled, leaving Ana's side and walking up to the boys.

Jere pushed Conrad off of him as they both looked at their mom.

"What is going on?" She asked.

"Mom..." Jere whimpered.

"We know mom." Conrad said.

Steven ran up to Ana and helped her up quickly, whispering 'sorrys' everytime she winced.

"Know what?" Belly asked.


Ana was in her and Jere's room. She was packing up her stuff, while sobbing silently. The boys, the conklins... they were all so destroyed. Desperately begging Susannah to go through with treatment.

She felt like she shouldn't be there. She knew susannah loved her. She knew she thought of the young girl as family, but she wasn't really. She genuinely thought they needed to be alone... together.

She walked down the stairs, her bag thrown over her shoulder. She walked to the family room where Conrad, Jeremiah, and Susannah sat hugging.

"Hi..." she whispered, all three of them turning to look at her, "Im going home.. tonight. My, uh, Ubers here."

"Ana-" jere stared with teary eyes.

"I just feel like this is your gusises night. I kinda.. don't fit. And I was thinking you guys could just have a nice family night.. or rest of the summer I guess." She laughed sadly.

"Ana, you are family." Susannah tried.

"I love you guys... and when you come back to Boston, I will be right there for you guys. I just... I need to go home." She nodded.

She hugged the three before Conrad got up and started walking her out.

"Ana." He cried.

"Come here, baby." She whispered, pulling him in tightly, "I'm going to help in anyway that I can. I love you guys."

"I love you, Analise. I love you so much."

The two put their foreheads together as they both cried softly.

"Text me when you get back, and I'll come over the moment you're home." She said, picking up her bag and kissing his cheek goodbye.

She didnt know that she wasn't going to get a text when he got home. She didnt know that jere was going to be the one to text her.

Not just to tell her they were home, but to tell her what Conrad couldn't bring himself to tell her...

Belly and Conrad were officially together.

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