T H R E E .

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"You just shouldn't have pushed it. Like, really? You know how I feel." Conrad snapped.

Ana and him were now sitting by the pool, she had brought up dinner cause ever since then he had been acting angry towards her.

She laughed bitterly, "no.. I really don't. You haven't talked to me at all about it. The only thing you've said was, 'I out grew it' but you loved football. How'd you out grow it over night?" Ana asked.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"You never do." Ana said, tears filling her eyes, "these past few weeks I feel like you never talk to me about anything really. Only superficial shit."

Which was true. Their relationship may seem perfect on the outside but in reality it's been going down hill. They haven't been doing well at all. They've argued everyday, maybe multiple times a day. That's why she said this summer was about them.

They both thought that coming to cousins would help them. They both thought it would be less stressful.

"Just drop it!" He shouted making the small girl jump.

She nodded, wiping tears away. She got up quickly and started walking up to the house without another word.

"Hey! We're about to leave are you ready?" Steven asked.

"Shit, I'm so sorry. I forgot about the bonfire. Give me two seconds." Ana rushed past him in the hallway and ran into her room quickly changing into a sage green dress that was tight on her.

She looked in the mirror quickly and ran her fingers through her hair. Even though her and Conrad just argued she was still going to have a good time. He wasn't going to ruin her first summer here.

"Come on, Ana banana we don't have all night." Jere teased from the other side of the door.

Ana opened the door sliding on her slides and looking to the boy, "I'm ready. Sorry."

the boys looked at her and took it all in. The dress fit her curves perfectly and the color complimented her skin well and her hair was beautiful and falling over her shoulders.

"You look amazing, as always." Jere said with a cheeky smile.

"I'm dating your bother. Don't be a flirt." She laughed walking past them and down the stairs.

The three walked down the stairs and to the back to see Conrad and Belly talking. It seemed deep. Seemed like a conversation Ana shouldn't have seen.

She cleared her throat as Jere looked at her quickly before starting to shout out to Conrad.

"First bonfire of the summer!" He yelled, trying to distract Ana's very obvious uncomfortable feelings.
"All right. We're totally taking my car. You're not driving." He pointed to Ana making her laugh.

"Can I come too?" Belly asked.


Ana was cut off quickly by Steven, "uh, no."

"The moms are getting everything set up for your movie night." The other fisher boy said.

It was quiet for a moment as the three waited for Conrad to get up, "see ya."

Uncertainty| Conrad Fisher Where stories live. Discover now