F O U R .

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"Stop! You're drunk." Ana shouted out to him, running over to him and another guy arguing.

"Maybe you should listen to your lady." The guy said, pointing over to Ana who was now standing in front of Conrad.

"No, I'm fine. I'm fine." He argued.

"He's fine. He's a real big man." The guy taunted.

"Can you please stop." Ana begged, turning to the boy.

"Fuck you, bro." The fisher boy continued.

"Connie." Ana begged.

"Relax, it's just one beer." The guy said, trying to grab onto it one more time.

"Yeah and it's my fucking beer." Conrad said.

Suddenly the guy let go of it, making Conrad's hand fly up from pulling it so much. His hand, and the beer went flying and hit Ana right in her eye.

"Oh shit." The guy laughed.

"Fuck you!" Conrad yelled, as he went to punch the guy.

A whole fight had broke out before Jere pulled Ana up and looked at her face, seeing her eye already start to bruise.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Can you stop them, please? I wanna go to the house." She begged holding her face, and wiping her tears.

"Break it up!" Jere yelled pushing the boys away from each other. Just in time too. Since a police officer started to pull up to the bonfire.

"We gotta go." Ana spoke up.

"Get out of here." Jere said, pushing her and Conrad towards the car.


"Get in the car. Watch your head. Legs.. legs." Jere said, helping his brother into the car.

"Yes, I know how to get into a car." He whined.

Ana got into the front seat, totally ignoring her boyfriend in the back. To say she was pissed would be an understatement. She wanted nothing to do with him at that very moment.

"Belly, let's go. Get in." Jere said, getting into the drivers seat.

"Cam, can give me a ride him. Right, cam?" She said.

"Yes.. that's no problem." The boy, Cam, said.

"No, you're not going to get into a car with a guy you just met."

"I'm cam, Cameron." The boy responded.

"Well, Cameron. I got punched in the face. Hard. I'm tried, slightly drunk and I know tomorrow is going to be a shit show for me. So, could you just tell belly no, and let her get into the car?" Ana said, not even looking at the two.

Cam nodded awkwardly, while belly gave her the dirtiest look, and jere and Conrad looked impressed. This was the meanest ana had ever been. Even though it still wasn't that mean, they were silently rooting for the girl.

Uncertainty| Conrad Fisher Where stories live. Discover now