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"Oh my god! This is gorgeous." Ana sighed, slipping off her sneakers before stepping in the sand and feeling it beneath her feet.

Jeremiah and Steven stayed back as Ana walked forward and took in the site of the beach. She never left her home town.. all shes seen were lakes that she could never swim in cause they were so disgusting.

"Dude..." Steven started, watching the girl.

"I know, I know." Jere agreed.

"How the hell... like actually how the hell did Conrad pull a girl like her?"

Jere chuckled, but before he could say anything Conrad himself cut in quickly.

"Cause I'm smart, funny, and extremely good looking." He joked.

"Right." The Conklin boy said rolling his eyes, "just don't mess it up. I can see from here that you got really lucky." He joked, looking the girl up and down.

Conrad shoved his shoulder with a fake annoyed face and started to walk up to his girlfriend who was now standing in the water just staring at its beauty.

"Hey, baby." He smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

"You are so, so, so, lucky." She laughed breathlessly.

The boy took it all in as well. He was having a hard time after finding out about his mom. But being here, with Analise, at his favorite place he finally felt at peace. He felt like he could finally breathe.

"I know." He responded, kissing her neck gently before walking around to her side, "this is my favorite place. I'm glad I could finally bring you."

"Yeah? Well, thank my dad's psycho girlfriend." She laughed bitterly, "I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have- this summer isn't about her or him. It's about us."

"Don't apologize." Conrad said looking at her sadly.

He knew how hard it was when she found out that her dad got a girlfriend. But to find out that his girlfriend didnt even want to meet Ana broke her. Especially when her dad kept cancelling plans with her just to see his girlfriend.

And when he told her she couldn't see him this summer cause of his girlfriend, she was torn. Her dad use to be her best friend. And now? He was basically a stranger.

Ana shook her head, and laughed, "let's go back." She said, grabbing his hand and leading them back to the beach house.


"Steven, I swear to god. If you look at that phone one more time I'm putting it in the screen basket." Laurel said as everyone sat around the table for dinner.

"It's just we want to see your beautiful faces. And shouldn't you be trying to get to know Ana?" Susannah asked, smiling at the young girl.

Belly rolled her eyes. She was already tired of hearing Susannah talk about how Ana was such a great kid, and seeing conrad all over her. She didnt want everyone to fall in love with her.

"Yes, mom." Jere smiled, snatching Steven's phone and throwing it into the basket, "boom! Nailed it!"

Ana laughed loudly as she watched him and Steven bicker.

Uncertainty| Conrad Fisher Where stories live. Discover now