E I G H T .

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"Took you ten years." Jere called out to Ana as she made her way outside and to the pool.

"Turns out I outgrew my suit, hence the T-shirt." Ana sighed.

"I think... uh- I think I have a bathing suit you could wear." Belly offered. She still felt so awful.

She wanted to make it right.

"It's fine, really. Thank you, though. I'll just have to pick a new one up later." The girl smiled, softly as she slipped into the pool.

"Well, than maybe we can go with you wherever you decide to go." She persisted.

Ana looked at belly and her friend Taylor, then to Jere, "yeah, for sure. I'll let you know."

"Whatever, let's play chicken!" Taylor shouted, obviously not impressed by Ana.

"Oh, no, no. I haven't played that in years." Belly said, shaking her head.

"I'm in." Ana responded.

"I'm down, come on Steven.." Jere smiled, as he jumped on Ana's back jokingly.

"I'll sit this one out. It'll probably be funnier from the side lines anyway." Belly said, watching as the four tried to pick teams.

"I call Steven." Taylor said.

"That's fine with me." Jere smiled, as he got off the young girls back and started to stand in front of her.

"You guys ready?" Steven asked.

"You're going down." Jeremiah spoke.

The two girls were lifted out of the water while sitting on the boys shoulders. They instantly started to try and push each other while all of them laughed.

Taylor didnt like Ana because of the whole Conrad thing. But she couldn't deny that this was fun.

Taylor pushed Ana down, both her and Jeremiah falling into the water.

"Yes!" Steven yelled.

"Oh whatever." Ana laughed, as Jere finally came up and stood beside her.

"Hey guys!" They heard and all turned around to see Conrad walking up to them, "are you guys playing.. chicken?"

Belly quickly cleared her throat, obviously embarrassed and pointed to Taylor, "uh, yeah, it was Taylor's idea." They all stood there awkwardly for a moment before belly finally spoke again, "do you guys wanna play a real game?"

Everyone said yeah, as Ana made her way to where Conrad had sat at the edge of the pool.

"You know you could get in and actually have some fun with us." Ana said, pulling herself out of the pool and sitting next to the boy.

"I don't want to." Conrad mumbled, Ana nodded a little.

She couldn't keep doing this. She didnt care anymore. She just wanted to have fun. The two sat there in silence while everyone played.

Ana was about to say something before the volleyball the teens were throwing around flew at her and smacked her in her head... right in the eye that was just starting to look better.

"Oh shit..." she heard Taylor laugh.

"Hey.. are you okay?" Jere asked.

"Taylor!" Belly scolded.

"What it was an accident." Taylor shrugged.

"It's fine." Ana cringed, the pain shooting through her whole head.

"Come on, I'll get you some ice." Conrad said, helping the girl up.

"Connie.. it's fine really." Ana said, pushing his hands off of him, and walking to the house alone.

"I'll- I'll go check on her." Jere said, climbing out of the pool and going to see his best friend.

Conrad scoffed and walked away, leaving three teens in the pool awkwardly standing around.


Ana was sitting in the kitchen with Susannah and Larual. It had been a couple of hours since the ball thing happened, but all of the teens disappeared, so Ana decided to hangout with the moms.

"Is Connie done shucking the corn?" The blonde woman asked.

"Not yet." Ana spoke, looking back to the boy.

"I can't believe he forgot Belly's birthday... what's up with that?" Laurel asked.

"I don't know, he's been shut down like this since April." Susannah said.

"But why?" Laurel asked.

"I don't know... I wish he would talk to me about it..." Ana said, finally looking back to the adults.

"Well, one time, he broke his arm and didnt tell anyone cause he didnt want to be a bother." Laurel said.

Ana smiled softly, Conrad is..was so sweet. She just wish he'd show it more. She wish she knew what was wrong so she could help him..

"Classic Connie." His mother laughed.
"Do you think maybe you could talk to him? I mean, if Ana cant you could get him to open up... you always had a way."

"I'm on it." Laurel said with a small smile.

Ana watched as she walked out of the house. She let out a little sigh, she hoped that he would open up to her.

"So.. jere told me what happened." Susannah said.

"Oh... yeah." She said looking down at the counter.

"Ana.. I'm not saying stay with him. If you're not happy than don't be with him. I just- I need you to be there for him. Him and Jere." She spoke up.

Ana looked at her oddly, she seemed like she was holding something back...

"What aren't you telling me..?" She asked but the woman didnt respond, "or.. what haven't you told the boys?"

The blonde looked down and set the stuff in her hands on the counter. Lightly wiping her eyes.

"I uh... I just need you to trust me. He will need you.. they both will." She sniffled.

Ana nodded quickly and got up, she walked around the counter and hugged the woman, "i trust you, Susannah. And I'll always be there for your boys. Always."

"Thank you." She sighed, squeezing the small girl.

Uncertainty| Conrad Fisher Where stories live. Discover now