S E V E N T E E N .

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"Is it a bad time to maybe get some mint chocolate chip ice cream?" Conrad said, after thirty minutes of just silence.

Ana laughed, "I'm not really feeling ice cream.. but you can talk to me. I want you to talk to me."

Conrad nodded his head, "where do I start?"

The girl took his hand, squeezing it gently, "what happened in April? What made you shut down... push me away?"

"I was on my mom's phone when a text popped up... it basically just talked about, uh, her cancers back." He sniffled, his eyes filling with tears instantly.

Ana's mouth dropped open, she had thought about it a couple of times. Asking herself if he had maybe known somehow... but to know that she was right...

"I know." She replied.

"You know?"

"Yes... she told me at the forth of July party. Well, I kinda over heard her and Laurel arguing, I pieced it all together and she confessed."

"Did she say anything else?"

"Just made me promise that I had to take care of you and jere... which I already broke cause I've been so, ugh.. this isn't about me. I'm sorry." She said, slapping her forehead.

Conrad giggled a little, he already felt so much better talking to the girl. And to find out that she knew made it ten times better.

They sat there for almost two hours, talking about everything had happened. How he's been feeling, how shes been feeling. They cried together about everything.

They both agreed that this should've happened from the beginning. If it had, they probably wouldn't have broken up.

"I should probably go find Jere. Break the news... do you think he'll hate me?"

"He could never hate you." Conrad smiled softly.

Ana nodded, taking the boys face in her hands before placing a small kiss on his cheek.

"I love you, Connie."

"I love you, lise."


"Hey, can we talk?" Ana asked, walking into the room she shared with Jere, seeing he was changing his clothes, "where are you going?"

"Uh, just some party. But, what's up?" He asked, barely even looking at her.

"I, uh, I was thinking... I don't think that we should be doing what we're doing, anymore." She said awkwardly, waiting for him to freak out on her.

"Why? Because of Conrad?" He asked.

"No.. yes.. both? Jere, I was with him for three years. He was my first love. We planned on graduating, and then getting married the summer before college. But, he literally broke me. And you were there, and it felt so, so amazing. I wanted it- I want it to last forever."

"But, it just doesn't feel right. I just, I don't think I'm ready for anything yet. I think I rushed when I shouldn't have. I think now is the time I should really work on myself." Ana ranted, as jere watched the girl. A small, yet, sad smile falling into his face.

"I understand." He said, softly.

This threw Ana off. She thought that he was going to be mad, she thought he was going to shout at her, tell her how awful she had been this summer. But he just sat there, and accepted it.

The boy knew he rushed her into something. He knew from the beginning it wasn't going to last. He just wanted all that he could get for the time being. He wanted to just have her and he did.

He loved her. Even if she loved someone else.

"Analise, I love you more than words could say. I did and didn't mean to rush you into a relationship with me. I wanted you, and I was lucky enough to experience you. I'm just grateful for the time we had. And I hope that you find yourself, and I hope that when you do, you come back to me. But, even if you didnt, you're still my best friend." He smiled, gently pulling the girl to him.

He sat on the bed, holding her waist, looking up to her while she looked down at him.

"You're perfect, Jeremiah Fisher."

"I know." He joked, placing a kiss on her stomach.

"I hope you have fun at the party." She started to pull out of his grasp, making her way to the door, "don't get too wasted. I can't drive to pick you up." She joked making the boy laugh.

Of course he was upset. He loved her. She was his first love. And he wanted nothing more than to be with her. But he had a strong feeling that wasn't going to happen.

He put his head in his hands and started to let out silent cries when she closed the door on her way out.

A/N: I am so sorry this is such a short chapter. Work, and school has been kicking my ass. <3

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