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First published September 14, 2015

Edited: June 23, 2019

|Amina's POV|

Without looking back I head outside and into the backyard where I set up my things near a tree and sit with my back against the bark before I continue writing my paper, shoving all thoughts of Tremaine to the back of my mind. For the next hour and half I'm deeply focused on my paper and I manage to get a full page and half done before deciding to take a break.

I head back inside the house and Tremaine was gone, making me sigh in relief. His ego was ridiculous.

I'm waiting for you to ask for an autograph or suck my dick.

Who the hell does he think is? Do women really ask him that?

Thirsty ass.

I make a beeline from my original destination and head over to Aiden's room to check on him. I'm about to walk in but stop myself when I see that he's fine and in Tremaine's arms. Tremaine laid back comfortably in the recliner in Aiden's bedroom with Aiden laying on his chest- one arm secured Aiden's back while the other one held his phone up in the air recording a video. I watched as he told Aiden to look at the camera to which Aiden simply stared at Tremaine cluelessly before breaking out into the most adorable smile which made Tremaine chuckle before he leaned down and kissed the top of Aiden's head. My heart swelled at the sight. When Tremaine was finished with the video he smiled down at his nephew before he turned his head and I realized I was caught staring. Satisfied that Aiden was safe and okay, I quickly turn on my heels and head for the kitchen.

"I see you decided to take a break." Tremaine's voice is suddenly behind me.

"Looks like it." I reply before picking up the cellphone that I left on coffee table in the living room. I quickly dial Alex's number and he picks up after two rings. "Hey, it's me." I say once he answers.

"Is Aiden hurt?" He asks automatically and I bite my lip to keep from smiling about how much he cared for his son.

"Aiden is fine." I reassure him.

"What's up? Why you calling?" He wonders.

"Your brother is here."


"No not Forrest, Tremaine." I correct him.

"For real? The nigga ain't tell me he was gonna be in town." Alex replies.

"I can leave if you want..." I say, knowing that with only three bedrooms and two of them already being occupied by himself and his son, there wasn't room for me here now Tremaine was here.

"Nah, you stay your cute little ass there. We'll figure something out when I get there." Alex tells me.

"Alright," I pause as guilt slowly washes over me. He shouldn't have to figure something out. Tremaine was family. I was just a girl he's known for a few months who watched his son whenever he needed it.

But I know better than to argue with Alex. It didn't get me anywhere. "I'll see you soon." I say instead. Alex mutters his good-bye then the two of us hang up.

Tremaine stood there listening to me the entire time.

"What did Alex say?" He asks me as he makes his way over to the fridge.

"He said he'll be here soon."

"Good," He pauses. "You want one?" Tremaine holds out a bud light for me to take.

"No thanks," I decline. "My drinks are in the side door." I tell him. He turns his head and searches before he pulls out the bottle of ice tea and hands it to me. "It's the last one." He informs me.

"Alex must be giving his one nighters my drinks." I guess as I take the drink from his hand.

"So you're not fucking my brother?" Tremaine asks me bluntly and all but spit up my drink before I looked at him incredulously.

"What the hell- no! Why would you ask me that?" I demand.

He shrugs. "You're comfortable here."

"Alex is my friend and his place is like a second home to me." I clarify.

"How y'all meet?"

"Alex was my neighbor before he moved away," I began. "And one night he was having a party and the music was ridiculously loud and I had an 8 a.m class in the morning. So I went over there to ask him to turn down the music and I don't know how he did it but somehow he got me to stay for the party and skip my class." I shake my head grinning as I remember that night.

"I'm surprised we ain't never met before." Tremaine says as he follows me into the living room. I take a seat on the nearest couch, tucking my legs underneath me.

I take a sip of my drink before replying. "So what is it that you really do for a living?"

"What do you think I do?" He challenges back.

I did a quick once over of him from head to toe. He had changed from his outfit earlier into a pair of black sweatpants and a plain white v-neck but he was still gorgeous.

"Modeling." I say and he chuckles softly.

"Why modeling?" Tremaine questions.

I shrugged, taking another sip of my drink. "You have the looks." I admit, hoping that I sound nonchalent.

"So you saying I look good?" He raises one of those damn attractive eye brows at me.

"You look okay." I say dismissively and that was the biggest lie I ever told. Tremaine opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he heard the front door open.

The both of us turn our heads to see Alex strolling in our direction.

"Where's Aiden?" He asks us immediately.

"He's in his playpin chillin." Tremaine answers.

"What you doing here bro?" Alex asks as he comes over to Tremaine and I watch as the two of them hug. Seeing them together and remembering how Forrest looks- I had to just take a minute to thank April Tucker and Claude Neverson for their magical genes because those three brothers were so damn good looking I don't think it's legal.

"You know I had to come down and visit before heading off on tour." Tremaine answers and I shake my head. He really was buying into this "i'm a celebrity thing." Tremaine was probably nothing more than a Youtube star.

Deciding my break was long enough and that I'd give them some alone time to catch up, I untuck my legs from underneath me and stand up from the couch.

"I should probably go finish this paper." I announce.

"Thanks again for watching Aiden for me Amina." Alex tells me as I pass by him.

"Anytime." I smiled when he kissed my cheek then completely walked out the room completely.

End of chapter 2.

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