Lovers & Friends: Forty

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Before you read I just wanted to let you guys know that WE hit 100k reads on April 11, 2017. Guys that's huge! I flipped the fuck out when I saw that. I posted a message on my profile but I definitely need to say it again... THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES TO EVERYONE AND ANYONE WHO HAS EVER READ A CHAPTER! TAKING TIME OUT OF Y'ALL DAY TO READ WHAT I WRITE MEANS SO MUCH TO ME AND I JUST WANT TO KNOW THAT I APPRECIATE IT AND I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU, SO THANK YOU ALL! ❤️

  There's a beat of silence as everyone lets the news they just received set in before the room erupts in anxious chatter.

"OW!" I screamed loudly because another contraction hit. Everyone became quiet and looked at me.

"Someone go get a doctor!" April yells and Alex rushes out of the room.

When he comes back a doctor is on his trail.

She was caramel-mocha color, tall, had brown eyes, and curly dark brown hair that reached her neck, with blond highlights.

She smiled warmly at me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked maternally.

"Like I'm about to explode. I think it's time." I told her. She looked away from me to look at the monitor that I was hooked up to then back at me.

"You're right. It's time." She told me. She then turned her head to look at everyone else in the room. "It's time for you all to leave and wait in the waiting area." She told them.

"I need my mother in law to stay." I say, reaching out for April although secretly  I wished that Trey was here instead.

"Okay. Mom, you stay. Everyone else, I'm afraid you have to leave." She said. They all nodded their head and walked out.

"April I can't do this without Trey. " I tell her desperately.

"Don't worry, he's going to be fine. You just focus on giving me another beautiful grand baby." She tells me.

"Alright, are you ready Amina?" Dr. Symone asked me.

"Yeah." I answered, my voice a bit shaky. I took a deep breath and got ready.

"Okay, on the count of three I want you to start pushing okay?" She told me.

I nod my head and grabbed on to April's hands. "Okay, 1...2...3!" She counts and I began pushing.


After four excruciating hours, I was still giving birth.

"Come on, you're almost done. She's almost here." Dr. Symone encouraged me.

"Come on sweetie! You can do it." April adds.

"I can't." I said, crying.

"Yes, you can!" April tells me.

"No, I can't." I shook my head.

"Yes you can." Dr. Symone said. I closed my eyes and pushed with all my strength then collapsed back on the bed.

"You did it honey. It's all over." April sooth me as she stroked my hair.

The doctors took the baby away, cleaned it up and wrapped it in a blanket before Dr. Symone stood over by my bed.

"Congratulations. You have a beautiful baby boy." She told me smiling warmly at me. She gently placed him in my arms.

"Hi." I whispered to him smiling. He squirmed a little and let out a little cry. I giggled and continued to watch him as if he was the most beautiful thing in the world.

"Would it be okay if I brought in your guest?" Dr. Symone asked.

I nodded my head, not taking my eyes off my baby. I heard her footsteps fade away and the door shutting behind her.

"He's beautiful." April tells me.

Seconds later the door was heard being open again, and it was only then did I look up. Everyone walked in with smiling faces and was quiet as they approached me.

"Hey. How do you feel?" Kori asks.

"Tired." I answered.

"He's so cute!" She gushes.

"Thank you." I told her smiling.

"What's his name?" Alex asked.

It was at that moment Trey came in my mind.

"How's Trey? Where is he?" I asked.

No one look liked they wanted to answer.

"Tell me!" I shout.

"He's not doing so good... he slipped into a coma." Forrest answers.

"A what!? A coma?"

"That's all the doctors have told us." Forest explains.

"So what are you gonna name the baby?" Kori wonders.

"I'm not naming him til Trey wakes up." I tell everyone.

"But you don't know when he'll wake up." Forrest argued.

"Or if..." Alex muttered under his breath, or so he thought.

"He's going to wake up, and I'm not naming our baby until he does!" I told them firmly.

"You shouldn't get her mad so soon after she's had the baby." April scolds her sons. The both of them muttered "sorry".

"I think you all should leave. Amina and the baby need some rest." Dr. Symone informed everyone.

Everyone nodded and smiled sheepishly at me before walking out.

"You okay sweetie?" April asks once everyone is gone.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But you should go home." I told her.

"No, I'm not leaving you." She said.

"You've been here for hours. Go home. Rest." I said.

"Are you sure?" She asked, a little reluctant.

"Yes, I'm sure. Now go!" I insisted.

"Okay." She said, giving in. "You rest. I'll be back tomorrow as soon as I can." She told me.

"Okay." I replied.

"I love you like you're my own, you know that right?"

"I know."

She smiles in response before she kisses my forehead then smiles at her grandson then leaves.

Dr. Symone takes my son to the Intensive Care Unit, leaving me alone to gather my thoughts. I was a mother again. My hands instinctively dropped down to my stomach. Flat. Nine months I carried a little person inside me. It felt weird and empty knowing that there was nothing inside me anymore. This has been one of the most overwhelming days of my life and the person who was supposed to be here to share the love, excitement, happiness and every other emotion with me, wasn't here. Seeing Trey was the last thing to float through my mind before unconsciousness took me, and I fell asleep.

The sound of a door being open woke me up the next day. I opened my eyes to see Dr. Symone walking towards me.

"Good morning Amina. How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm fine. How's my son?" I replied.

"He's doing very well. I just checked on him in the ICU. He's a very healthy baby." She told me. Knowing that my son was doing well comforted me. But then I thought about someone else who wasn't as fortunate.

"Have you heard anything about my husband Tremaine?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm sorry to inform you, but he's still in a coma." She said.

"Can I see him?" I asked.

"Sure. Let me just do a quick check up first." She told me. I waited impatiently as she worked over me. Finally, after a few minutes, she was done. "Okay. You're good to go." She said.

"Thanks." I replied. She smiled warmly at me before she helped me off the bed.

"Thanks." I repeated. We walked to the door where she then told me where Trey room was before she departed to tend to other patients.

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