When I heard the sound of beeping, it registered in my mind that I was still alive. It must have been a heart monitor, I guessed. I still couldn't see or move, but there was no pain anymore, none at all. There was something leading down my throat though and up my nose which was a bit uncomfortable. I tried sitting up, but no matter how many times I tried nothing happened. It was weird because my brain was telling my body to move, but my body was ignoring all the messages. I couldn't sit up or speak.
As I lay on the bed trying to move different parts of my body, a weird feeling took over me telling me that I was being watched. I didn't know who by because I couldn't see, but it made me feel a little awkward and uneasy. A few seconds later, the sound of a door opening interrupted the silence that filled the room followed by the sound of the door closing.
Please be Amina! Please be Amina, Please be Amina!
I was so desperate for it to be her that it seemed like hours before the person made them self-known.
"Hey baby." A voice whispered, then took my hand and sat on the bed.
It was Amina.
Her voice sounded so happy to see me, yet a sad tone still seemed to peek through. She was there, sitting right next to me and I couldn't even move. The touch of her hand sent me into an emotional state, wanting to breakdown because I couldn't speak. She had no clue that I could hear her, which made me frustrated and want to scream so loud but even if I did... nobody would hear a thing.
"Please wake up. I need you. I can't raise our kids by myself." When she said the word "kids" I was confused for a split second until it finally hit me. I was so caught up on the fact that I wasn't dead that I forgot about my baby. Was he okay?
"Yeah, that's right, our little boy. He made it. He's in the intensive care unit. I haven't named him yet because I'm waiting for you, but you should know he is the most beautiful baby boy ever... I really miss you Trey." She squeezed my hand then gently placed it on the bed, with our fingers still intertwined.
Her words cut my heart deep and I missed her too, even though she was there right next to me. Inside, I was crying with happiness. I had a son. A little miracle that I couldn't wait to meet. If only there was a way to let her know I could hear her or let her know I loved her. I tried with all my might to move my hand, pushing it so hard, with everything I had. Desperate to let her feel me move. It felt like I was pushing an elephant uphill with all the force I was asserting, but it paid off when my hand let out a little twitch. It wasn't much, but I know she felt it because she moved a little too.
"Trey?" She gasped. With all the strength that I had, I slowly opened my eyes.
"Amina." I whispered. I barely recognized my own voice. It was raspy and weak.
"Trey!" Amina nearly shouted before she crushed me in a hug. I groaned in pain and Amina quickly released me. "I'm so sorry!" She said when she realized that her embrace was hurting me.
"It's okay. It was a good kind of pain." I told her. Her lips turned into a small smile. "What's going on?" I asked.
"You were in a coma." She told me.
"How long?" I wondered.
"Just over a week." Amina replied. With much effort I was able to give her a head nod. Even that was painful. "I'm gonna go get a doctor." She told me.
"Wait. Where's our baby? Where's my son?" I asked.
"When you're all better, we'll see him together." She told me, with a warm smile on her face. I smiled back at her before she turned to the door and walked out.
Minutes later Amina came back with a doctor.
"Hi Mr. Neverson. Glad to see you're awake. I'm Dr. Jones." He told me as he made his way over to me. He was a tall, Hispanic, middle-aged man, with short black hair, with brown-green eyes.
"Call me Trey." I told him.
"Alright, Trey. Well how do you feel?" He asked.
"I'm in a lot of pain Doc." I replied. He nodded his head understandingly. It was quiet in the room as Dr. Jones gave me a check-up.
"Well it seems to me that when the truck crashed into you, you went into total shock which sent you into the coma. The airbags must have been pushed out in time or otherwise, things could be worse, or you would still be unconscious. You're not experimenting head trauma and your vital organs seems to be working. I say you'll be just fine." He informed me. When he was done, he was smiling friendly at me.
"Thank you so much Doctor." Amina told him.
"No problem." He replied looking at her. He then turned his attention back to me. "We're gonna have you stay here for a few days so we can monitor you. Get lots of rest. I'll be back in here later to check on you."
"Thanks doc." I told him. He smiled before he turned around.
"Wait!" Amina told him and jogged the short distance to him, so now they were both by the door. Amina leaned into Dr. Jones and whispered something in his ears. He nodded and smiled at her before he finally walked out.
"What was that all about?" I asked her as she made her way to my hospital bed.
"Nothing. I just thought you might have wanted to see your son now." She told me.
"I will never forgive myself for missing the birth. I can't-" I started to tell her but she interrupted me.
"Ssh. It wasn't your fault." She told me while looking me in the eyes. I could hear all the love in her voice. We both quietly leaned in and kissed. We were interrupted shortly after. Amina and I both pulled away and looked over at the door. It was a female doctor this time to come through the door. She was holding a small, single white blanket and it was wrapped.
"Hey Dr. Symone." Amina said to the woman as she walked towards her.
"Hey Amina. Hey Trey." She said.
I gave her a small smile in response. She smiled back. I watched as Dr. Symone walked over to Amina and handed her whatever she was holding. Amina carefully took it and cradled it in her arms.
"Thank you." Amina whispered.
"No problem." Dr. Symone whispered back. She smiled at Amina and me before she walked out quietly. Amina walked over to me and I sat up in bed. She took a seat next to me. It was then did I look down to see what she was holding. It was a baby. Our son to be exact. I couldn't even begin tell you how I felt the moment I laid eyes on him.
"You ready to hold him?"Amina asked me.
"Yes." I haven't been more ready for anything in my life. She gently lifted him and placed him in my arms. He was so small.
"How much does he weight?" I asked Amina while never taking my eyes off of my son.
"Seven pounds and six ounces.
"Hey little man!" I whispered to him as he played with one of my fingers.
"Look at what we did!" Amina told me, her eyes lighting up.
"What should we name him?" I asked her.
"How bout Tyriq?" She asked me.
"I like it." I told her. Amina looked at our son. "Do you like that name?" She asked. The baby squirmed in response and cooed.
"Awe!" Amina giggled and I laughed.
"I'll take that as a yes." I said.
"Tariq it is." Amina replied. "Welcome to the world Tariq Aldon Neverson". I looked at my wife and smiled.
"I love you." I told her.
"I love you too." Amina smiled back at me before we leaned in and kissed. "And we love you too baby boy." Amina told our son. The two of us silently watched our second child, thankful that our story wasn't over yet.
------------------------------The End

Already Taken | Trey Songz
FanfictionAmina Bryant needs a place to live. Crashing at her best friend's Alex apartment every time she and her boyfriend gets into a fight isn't exactly a long-term solution. Between juggling her classes at the local community college and her part-time jo...