Lovers & Friends | Thirty-Two

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For my dinner with Alex I dressed comfortably in a simple tight fitting grey dress. It was sexy enough that it made me feel pretty but not enough to give Alex the wrong impression. And just to prove a point that this was nothing more than a dinner with a friend, I barely wore any makeup and I didn't do anything special with my hair.

It was seven exactly when I hear my doorbell ringing.

"Hey baby girl." Alex's eyes roam over my body from head to toe before he breaks out in a smile. "You look amazing." He whistles. "Trey is one lucky man."

I blush. "Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself."

"I do what I can." He pops his invisible collar, making me laugh. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, let's go." Alex walks out first and I follow after him after locking up.

The restaurant Alex took me to was nowhere near the five star I was use to going to whenever I went out with Trey. Instead of anything fancy, Alex took me to a hole in a wall diner for burgers and fries. I guess some girls would've been upset about that but it wasn't like this was a date. Besides, food is food. And it's been a long time since I could stuff my face with a good burger and didn't have to worry about how I looked in front of Trey.

Dinner was nice and comfortable. Alex was no surprise easy to talk to. The two of us talked about Aiden, how his DJing career is going, and just life in general. In the end, I had a really good time.

"That was fun." I comment as Alex holds open the door for me as we exit.

"Of course. You were with me."

I rolled my eyes before playfully pushing his shoulder. "Whatever."

"You want to grab dessert?"

"Is that a serious question?" I joke and Alex laughs before the two of us hop inside his car and search for the nearest ice cream shop. When we got our ice creams we decided to take a walk on the beach since neither of us wanted to end the night.

"So," I started as we walked down the beach. "Why haven't you tried dating anyone since Camilla?"

"I guess I don't want a girl right now." Alex answers.

"Why not?"

"No one has caught my attention yet." Alex admits.

"What exactly are you looking for in a girl Alex?" I wonder, curiously. Ever since I met Alex his life has a been nothing but back to back hookups and one nightstands. I was really rooting for him and Camilla to work things out for Aiden's sake.

"She gotta love kids for sure. Uh, a woman who is beautiful inside and out, loves to party but doesn't mind staying in, sweet, and grounded." He answers.

"They're lots of girls out there like that! You're not entirely bad looking and you're a great father. Any girl would be lucky to go out with you." I told him.

"You wanna know the real reason why I'm not looking?"

I thought that was the real reason.

"What's your reason?'

"The right girl has been here the whole time." Alex says, staring right at me. Alex stopped walking and I looked at me, wondering why he stopped. Our eyes locked and neither of us move. "It's you Amina." He confesses.

"Why are you saying all of this now?" I wondered. "You had years to me how you felt."

"There was always someone in the way. First it was Dmitri and now it's Trey." Alex pauses. "I've made a lot of mistakes Amina but one if my biggest ones is not telling you that I love you." Slowly I watch as Alex leans in and my head is screaming for me to tell him to stop but then my body isn't listening because I lean into and we're kissing.

Slowly at first but then I wrap my arms around his neck and Alex pulls me against his body, leaving no space space between us. I moan into his mouth when his hands squeeze my ass and suddenly the kiss is becoming more heated.

And that's when my phone rings. I pull away, and instinctively reach for my phone to see Trey calling me. My heart is racing, my breathing is out of control, and guilt is starting to wash over me.

"Baby girl I'm so-"

There was nothing he could say right now. Nothing that I wanted to hear anyways. "Can you just take me home please?" I don't wait for him to answer and I just walk off to where he left his car. The car ride was filled with awkward silence and seemed to drag on forever before he was finally pulling up to my house.

I reach for the handle, ready to bolt, but something stops me.

"I can't do this anymore Alex. Everyone was right;" I begin. "Us hanging out together given our history is too messy and it was stupid to think that we could go back to the way things were before. I really care about you, but this ends here. I can't lose Trey."

"I know you feel something for me baby girl." Alex pleads.

"I do-I mean I did. I don't anymore. I will always care about you Alex but I'm married now and have a daughter. I'm not gonna ruin that."

"Is that what you really want?"

"Yes." I sniffle.

"Okay." Alex sighs loudly. "Bye Amina." I chance a look at him and my heart broke at seeing how destroyed he looked. I didn't want to hurt my friend. He leaned and I tensed up but relaxed once he kissed my forehead.

"Bye Alex." I opened the door and rushed to my front door and let myself inside before I finally started to cry.


After I pulled myself together, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and changed into my pajamas before settling into bed to call Trey back. I needed to tell him what happened. I couldn't keep this a secret. The phone rang and rang until his voicemail picked up so I decided to leave a message.

Hey baby,it's me. Sorry I missed your call. I miss you...I haven't heard from you in a while. Just wanted to know how you were doing and wanted to hear your voice. I love you and can't wait to be back in your arms... Call me back. Love you.


Guys, my heart is actually breaking that's over between Alex and Amina. A lot of y'all comments were on the angry side because Amina continued her friendship with Alex. But just a few reminders:

1. She knew Alex a little bit longer than she has known Trey.

2. Alex gave her a safe place to go with no questions ask whenever she was in trouble with Dmitri.

3. Amina was all alone in Virginia and Alex was her only real friend/person she trusted.

So there's gonna be a bond there. Hopefully this changes how you feel.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Thank you for reading!

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