I was due to give birth any day now. Trey invited a lot of family members in town because they all wanted to be there for the birth. I got up and went to the kitchen to refill a few people's drinks; even though I was pregnant, I still wanted to be a good host. I suddenly felt a jolt of pain go through my body.
"Ow!" I groaned in pain and sucked in a breath. It hit me again but harder than the first time, and I screamed in pain. I then felt something wet and sticky between my legs and looked down. Their was water and blood streaming down my legs and onto the floor. I began to panic. Trey quickly entered the kitchen with everyone else behind him.
"What's wrong?!" Trey asked, panicking.
"My water broke!" I told him.
"What!" Everyone shouted in sync. I screamed again when another contraction hit. Everything was chaos after that.
When I arrived at the hospital, I was immediately placed to the delivery room. My contractions were too far apart for me to push. So I was now laying on the hospital bed. The only person in the room was April and the doctor who is going to deliver the baby
"How do you feel?" Ms. April asked me.
"Scared." I admitted."Don't be. This is a natural part of life." Ms. April explained.
"Then why do I have a big needle in my spine?" I questioned.
"Because nature sucks!" Ms. April laughed. I laughed with her but that caused me slight pain.
"Don't make me laugh." I told her. "But seriously, how much is it going to hurt?" I wondered.
"Don't think about that." April softly.
"What should I think about?" I asked her.
"Think about how happy you're going to be once it's here. You and Tremaine can start raising a family." April told me.
"Yeah, that would be nice." I said, smiling at the thought just as my doctor walked over to me. Her skin tone was a dark chocolate, she had dark brown eyes, appeared average in height and had shoulder-length dark brown hair. Her I.D read Dr.Harris.
"Amina, your contractions are close now. Get ready." She ordered me.
"Can you get Trey for me please?" I looked at April and asked.
"Sure." She told me before she leaned down and kissed my forehead and left to get Trey.
Seconds later he walked in and stood next to me and I grabbed his hand and grabbed tightly.
"It's time." Dr.Harris informed us.
"It's okay, you're gonna do fine." Trey reassured me before kissing my forehead. I held on to his hand for support.
"Alright, are you ready?" The doctor asked me.
"Yeah." I answered, my voice a bit shaky. I took a deep breath and got ready.
"Okay, on the count of three I want you to start pushing okay?" She told m. I nodded my head and squeezed Trey hands. "Okay, 1...2...3!" She counted and I began pushing.
After ten excruciating hours, I was still giving birth.
"Keep pushing!" Dr.Harris encouraged me.
"Come on baby! You can do it." Trey added.
"I can't." I said, crying.
"Yes, you can!" Trey told me.
"No, I can't." I shook my head.
"Yes you can." Dr. Harris said. I closed my eyes and pushed with all my strength then collapsed back on the bed.
"You did it baby. It's all over." Trey sooth me as he stroked my hair.
The doctors took the baby away, cleaned it up and wrapped it in a blanket before Dr. Harris stood over by my bed.
"Congratulations. You have a beautiful baby girl." She told me smiling warmly. She gently placed her in my arms.
There aren't many words to describe the feeling of holding your child for the first time. It was like nothing else in the world matter but your baby. As I watched our daughter in my arms, I knew at that moment that I would do anything for her, and be anyone for her. I could already tell she would be a heart-breaker. She was so beautiful, precious and small. I've never seen anyone so tiny before. I naturally bent down and placed a small kiss on her forehead.
"Look at what we did!" I gushed.
"She's beautiful." Trey agreed.
"You wanna hold her?" I asked him.
"Yeah." I carefully handed over Trey his daughter. Suddenly Trey's phone rang. He took it out his pocket, never leaving his eyes off his daughter, and powered it off before he placed it back in his pocket.
"Who was that?" I asked.
"I don't know, I don't care." Trey told me, too busy cooing over his daughter. "Hey princess." Trey whispered. "It's daddy... I love you." I smiled at the two of them. "What are we gonna name her?" Trey wondered.
"How about Avery?" I suggested.
"Avery?" Trey wondered out loud. "I like it." He told me.
"What do you think? Do you like the name Avery?" I asked our baby. She squirmed and made a little noise that caused a small bubble to pop in her mouth. "Awe!" I gushed while Trey chuckled.
"I'll take that as a yes." Trey said.
"Avery it is." I replied. "Welcome to the world Avery ."
"I love you." Trey told me.
"I love you too." The both of us leaned in and kissed.
"You are blessed. And you are loved." I told Avery once we pulled away. After, Trey and I just sat and watched our little miracle.
"Would it be okay if I brought in your guest?" Dr.Harris asked. I nod my head, not taking my eyes off my baby. I heard her footsteps fade away and the door shutting behind her. Seconds later the door was heard being open again, and it was only then did I look up. Everyone walked in with smiling faces and was quiet as they approached me.
"Hey." I whispered at everyone.
"Hey. How do you feel?" April asked me.
"Tired." I admitted but then looked at Avery who was in Trey's arms and added, "But it was worth it."
"She's so cute!" April told me.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"What's her name?" Alex asked.
"Yeah, what is it?" Forrest pressured.
"Everybody, I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of the Neverson Family- Avery Mariah Neverson." Tremaine proudly announced.
"I like the name Avery." Forrest said, smiling at his niece.
"Can I hold her?" Alex wondered.
"Sure." Trey said, before handing over Avery over to his brother.
Everyone stayed for a while, taking turns holding our daughter. Visiting hours were done, so they had to leave. But they promised they'd be back later, whenever they could.
"I can't believe I'm dad now." Trey admitted.
"Don't worry." I told him. "You're gonna be a great dad... Just like you are a husband." The two of us smiled at each other before we leaned in and kissed then turned and stared at Avery as if her was the most engross thing in the world.
End of Book 2.

Already Taken | Trey Songz
FanfictionAmina Bryant needs a place to live. Crashing at her best friend's Alex apartment every time she and her boyfriend gets into a fight isn't exactly a long-term solution. Between juggling her classes at the local community college and her part-time jo...