"Our next guess is a Grammy winner and a certified sex symbol. He's about to start the UK portion of his Chapter Five world tour. And here with him today making their first televised interview as a couple is his girlfriend. Please welcome Trey Songz and and his girlfriend Amina Bryant." Wendy Williams introduces us as we stand backstage. The roar of the live audience is loud and I exhale loudly to calm my nerves before I allow Trey to lead us out. The screaming grows louder and everyone jumps out their seats when they see Trey. He smiles and waves at everyone and I do the same before focusing back on Wendy who is standing up waiting for us to approach her. Trey greets her first, kissing her on the cheek then I smile and let her pull me into a hug before I take a seat on the blue couch. Trey remains standing a second longer, soaking up the attention and the applause which I add on too, clapping along with everyone else. He deserve this attention and all the love he's getting. Trey waves at everyone one last time before taking a seat next to me on the couch, immediately grasping my hand.
"Now Trey I know I asked you this before but let me go ahead and ask your girlfriend- does this attention that your man is receiving- does it ever get annoying?" Wendy asks me.
"You know what, it doesn't. It's all love that I believe he deserves so why should I get annoyed?" I answered.
"Good answer. Now Amina, I read that you had no idea who Trey is. How is that possible?"
"You know people say it like it's so hard to believe, but it's true."
"But how is it possible? I mean Trey is one of the biggest names in the music industry right now. I find it hard to believe that there is anyone in the world that doesn't know who he is." Wendy says to me.
"It's very possible Wendy because Trey wasn't someone I listened to. I didn't gravitate towards his kind of music. I'm more into pop and listen to a lot of underground artists."
"So now that you know who he is are you a fan?"
"Oh my god yes! The music he makes is incredible and his voice... gives me chills." I answer excitedly and a few people in the audience laugh. "But really I think I'm a fan because I get to see the behind the scenes stuff. Like the hours that go into reherals and the days that go into writing that number one hit. That's what really makes me happy. Seeing the hardwork he puts into his music."
"Now tell me... was it love at first sight?" Wendy asked and Trey and I both looked at each other before shaking our heads no.
"Not really." Trey is the one to answer. The crowd oohed and Trey and I laughed.
"I was actually in a relationship at the time so I wasn't really checking him out."
"So how did we get to this moment?" Wendy pressed on.
"She was crashing at my brother Alex's house." Trey started to explain but Wendy caught him off.
"Pause. So amina you stayed at his brother's house but you didn't know who he was?"
I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Was it really that hard to believe that I didn't know Trey? Let me ask her who Pierce The Veil is or Air Dubai is and bet she wouldn't know. Instead of saying any of this though I smiled before answering, "Listen, I've only known his brother for about six months at the time. He was friends with my ex so that's how I know Alex. You gotta understand Wendy that Trey was on tour during this time and he's a very busy person and Alex isn't the type of guy to use who his brother is as some way to get girls. We built a friendship on common interest. So yes I knew Alex had an older brother but I wasn't going to make it my life mission to find out everything about who that was."
"So how we met was..." Trey continued again and everyone laughed which eased the tension in the room. "She opened the door to my brother's place and that's how we met. I was there for a couple days and we started a friendship but before I left I just knew I wanted something more."
Everyone clapped in response and I snuggled closer to Trey.
"So what is it like dating Trey Songz?" Wendy asks me.
"It's amazing. And it's not even about the fact that I get to do cool things like come on to this show but our relationship off screen as well. He's super sweet, super romantic, and it's comfortable. I don't feel like I have put on a show to impress him and vise versa."
"So Trigga, the fans want to know- what was it about Amina that made you say I want her?" Wendy question and I turn my head to look at Trey as he answered.
"It was a whole bunch of things you know what I'm saying. Her genuine cluelessness about who I am was definitely the first thing. And then the fact that after she did know who I was she just didn't care and that was a real turn on for me. And then you know we got to talking and hanging out and we made a connection that I never felt with anyone else." Trey answered and without thinking I leaned in and kissed him. We kept it sweet and short and when I pulled away Trey had lipstick on his lips so I wiped it away.
"You guys are cute." Wendy tells us and we just smile at her in response. "So I hear you guys have a special announcement for us."
"Yes and we chose Wendy because I've always had a special relationship with you so I felt like you deserved to be the one with the exclusive." Trey said.
"Well thank you. I appreciate that. So what's the news?"
"She's about to be Mrs. Tremaine Neverson." Trey lifts up my hand to show off my engagement ring. The audience begins to cheer and Wendy is surprised.
"Is this for real?"
"It's for real." Trey confirmed.
"Wow ok. Can we get a camera on the ring please? This is impressive. I mean seriously, look at the rock on that thing!" Wendy exclaims which makes me blush at all the attention but I showed the ring off anyways. "How long has this been?"
"It was the week before thanksgiving so about two weeks now." I say.
"And of course your family knows about this?"
"Of course. My momma would kill me if I got on air and said I was engaged without telling her first." Trey joked even though he was very serious.
"Now of course we all want to know how did he propose? We know had to be something romantic because this is Trey we're talking about here."
"I was completely clueless. I had no idea. So it was a saturday and Trey and I just spent the entire day on the couch watching tv and movies but then we decided it was time to get ready for double date with Chris and his girlfriend. So we go upstairs to get ready and Trey is done in like two seconds and I just got done deciding what I'm gonna wear. So Trey is done and he tells me he's going to step out and meet with his manager Kev for a little bit to talk about the UK tour. So I'm like okay whatever just make sure you're back before we're late. So Trey leaves and I start getting ready and a few minutes later I get a text message from Trey telling me there's a note under my side of the bed. So I'm thinking aw he's being his usual sweet self so I go over to the bed and see the note. And he basically sends me on this scavenger hunt around the house until it leads me to his backyard where I see him on one knee surrounded by candles that spell out marry me and he's holding out a ring to me and asks me will I marry him and I say yes." I explain.
"Look at you...." Wendy looks at Trey impressed which makes everyone in the audience laugh. "Well you guys are clearly in love and I think you're great together, so congratulations on the engagement."
"Thank you. Thank you."
"Chapter X tour kicks off next month in the UK so make sure you get tickets for that. Trey and Amina thank you for coming and thank you for watching the show. I'll see you next time here on Wendy. Bye bye." Wendy ends the show.
{A/N Interviews are kinda my thing lol. Btw in the next couple chapters I'm probably gonna speed up the next few months so I can just skip to the wedding.}
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Already Taken | Trey Songz
FanfictionAmina Bryant needs a place to live. Crashing at her best friend's Alex apartment every time she and her boyfriend gets into a fight isn't exactly a long-term solution. Between juggling her classes at the local community college and her part-time jo...