{Amina's POV}
I couldn't go back to Alex. Not while Trey was still there.
I head back down the flight of stairs back to the first floor then make my way towards the bus stop. I have nowhere to go. I keep stealing glances behind me, wondering if or when Dmitri was coming. Even if he was, he wasn't gonna catch up to me because the bus came to a stop and I quickly climb on. It took me a couple buses but I made it to the Jefferson's Hotel, checking myself into the cheapest room they had to offer for the day. As soon as I checked in I ordered up room service; I was already emotionally drained, I didn't need to be physically as well. I ate my breakfast in silence and just for those few minutes everything was okay. Food made everything better... Until it was all gone and I was forced to concentrate on my problems. I had no idea what I was doing when it came to Trey and Dmitri. Whether or not Dmitri decides to tell Trey about my past I wasn't getting back together with him. It was time I stopped playing the victim, a damsel in distress waiting on prince charming to come save me.
I needed to be strong.I knew I could be.
Things with Trey were messy, complicated even. But despite everything I hoped he wanted to still be in my life. I knew I wanted him to be.
I throw myself down on my bed and stare up at ceiling thinking about what tomorrow morning would bring.***
It's 6:47 in the morning when I wake up the next day. It's early, even for me. But the extra times gives me time to think of a plan to get my things from Dmirit's place. I already decided to go when he was at work; I still had my keys. I didn't bother to shower before walking out the hotel only brushing my teeth and pulling my hair into a decent ponytail before I catch the bus back to the apartment. Just like I expect, Dmitri's car is nowhere to be seen in the parking lot. I head up to the second floor and let myself inside the apartment.
Oh hell.Dmitri shoots up from the couch when I walk through the door.
"I thought you'd be at work."
"I took a later shift." He replies.
"I just came to get my things." I walk past him into our bedroom.
"Amina let me explain." Dmitri follows after me.
"There's nothing to explain D. You got caught sleeping with someone in our bed. I want to be mad at you, but honestly, you just gave me the push I needed to leave your ass. You can beat me up or do whatever the hell you want but I'm not scared of you anymore and it won't stop me from leaving." I wait for him to say something but he doesn't so I continue. "When I met you Dimitri everything with my family was very fresh and raw and you came along and was so sweet and perfect. You messed with me when I was already in a bad place mentally and now it's worse. I don't want to be this weak woman anymore Dmitri and if you cared about me at all you will let me go and let me learn how to be strong."
"You can't be throwing all this deep shit at a nigga so early in the morning." Dmitri runs a hand over his face and I laugh softly. "But I hear you. I know I've been an ass to you most of this relationship but I do care about you baby so if you want out," He paused to sigh. "You can go... And I won't say anything to Lil Hip hop princess ." I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.
Once I got my stuff packed Dmitri gave me a ride back to the Jefferson hotel. I would need to find a place to stay and quick. I couldn't afford to stay in a hotel day after day.It's a little after 11 when Alex calls me to see if I'm coming to the cookout his mom is throwing for Trey before he leaves for tour tomorrow. No is on the tip of my tongue but I bite it and say yes. Starting fresh meant putting things to rest with Trey. He clearly didn't care about me; forcing me to listen to him have sex with another woman was proof of that. In a weird way i was starting to be thankful that he did. Trey gave me the reminder that I needed. He was designer and I was knockoff. He was so far out of my league and I had forgotten that. But he was leaving tomorrow and would most likely forget about me the second he boarded the plane.
I tell Alex I'll be there then end the call before I start to get ready. I hop in the shower then get dressed casually in a pair of black skinny jeans, a pink corset with a black floral design, and black ankle boots. I decide to leave my hair curly and go with a natural, everyday makeup look. When I'm finally done I secure my cellphone and bus pass in my clutch and head out.
I arrive at April Tucker's house around 1 and the cookout is in full swing. Lots of the Neverson and Tucker family memebers are quickly coming in and out the house and music is blaring. I head inside the house where a few people I've met through Alex calls out my name and smile.
"Amina baby you made it." April Tucker's warm voice greets me. I turn my head to see her cutting up cucumbers to put into a salad bowl.
"Hi Miss April." I beam before I go over to hug her.
"How are you?" April asks when we pull away.
"I'm good." My smile dims just a little.
"Well I don't want to keep too much of your time, go on out to the back. The food is all done cooking." She tells me.
"Okay." I give her a small wave before I walk off towards the backdoor and enter the backyard. It's packed here too and the music is even louder. R. Kelly "Step in the name of love" fills the air. It's mixed with children laughing and adults talking. I scan the backyard, smiling at the people who recognize me- before my eyes finally land on Alex who is with Trey. I don't let my eyes linger on him too long and dash back inside the house before either of them can see me.
"Is something wrong honey?" April asks me with a concerned brow raised.
"No. I just thought maybe you needed some help with the food." I say.
"I could use some help actually," she confesses. "Can you start peeling those potatoes for me honey?"
"Sure." I walk over to the potatoes and get to work.
When April is done with her salad she takes it out to the backyard leaving me in the kitchen alone to work on the mash potatoes she put me in charge of. I'm so focused on bolting if Trey decides to come into the kitchen that I wouldn't be surprised if the potatoes come out lumpy instead of creamy.
"Still avoiding Trey?" Alex is suddenly standing beside me, scaring the crap out of me.
"Hello to you too." I glare at him. "And I'm not avoiding anyone, I'm helping your mom out."
"Bullshit. You're avoiding my brother." Alex spits.
I stop pretending to mash the potatoes. "So what if I am."
"It needs to stop. Whatever the hell happened between y'all two needs to be squashed because he outside looking like shit, got everyone worried- especially momma. Everyone came to spend time with Trey before he leaves and this is not the Trey they know." Alex tells me. "Squash it." Alex orders me before he walks out the kitchen.
A sigh leaves my lips. This was not what strong or moving on looked like. I was being a chicken. I needed to face Trey. This was his party after all, it wasn't like I could avoid him forever.
Someone is suddenly at my side and I expect it to be Alex but it's not.
It's Trey.
Longest chapter so far!
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Already Taken | Trey Songz
FanfictionAmina Bryant needs a place to live. Crashing at her best friend's Alex apartment every time she and her boyfriend gets into a fight isn't exactly a long-term solution. Between juggling her classes at the local community college and her part-time jo...