"Ryan Seacrest, Ellen K, Trey Songz and his beautiful girlfriend Amina Bryant is the studio with us right now." Ryan introduced us.
"What's happenin' y'all?" Trey replied.
"Hi everybody." I sang into my mic.
"We've been waiting for you." Ellen said cheerfully.
"This is your first time in the studio with us." Ryan pointed out.
"It is, yes." Trey confirms.
"And Amina this your first time in any studio am I right? You've never done a radio interview before?" Ryan questions.
"I've never done a radio interview before." I confirm.
"Well welcome and thank you for being here." Ryan says to me.
"Thank you for having me." I smile.
"Anticipation tour... Tell us a little about that." Ryan requested.
"Well I'm headlining it, which I've never done before and I have a rapper by the name of Big Sean touring with me. It's nineteen shows and we've finished up the first half and I'm actually going out on the road again tonight." Trey said.
"You've had a sold out show every single night." Ryan stated.
"I have," Trey nods his head. "My fans are amazing, I'm very blessed."
"Amina, you've actually been touring with Trey. What has that been like?" Ellen asked me.
"It's been incredible. Every show he gives it his all and I'm able to see the whole thing come together. Trey works incredibly hard and I'm fortunate to be able to be apart of an amazing time in his life." I answer.
"It must be exhausting." Ellen continues.
"It's very exhausting." I agree. "Trey has 3 a.m wake up times and I'm still dead. They are times when he has to literally pull me out of bed." I say jokingly.
"Take us to the beginning... How did you two meet?" Ryan asked.
"I was actually just down in VA where I was born and was just in town for a few weeks before this tour started to spend some time with my family. I was crashing at my brother's house and she was there... looking beautiful like she always does." Trey answered, making me blush.
"You're such a liar!" I giggle. "I was looking far from beautiful. If I can remember correctly my hair was all over the place, I had no makeup on, and I was just dressed in shorts and a tank top."
"Yeah but you were still beautiful." Trey insists and I shake my head.
"Aww." Ellen gushes.
"What were you doing at Trey's brother's house?" Ryan wondered. "Were you stalking him?"
"No! Nothing like that," I giggle. "I'm actually real good friends with his younger brother Alex and I had no idea Trey was going to show up." I explain.
"So it was love at first sight?" Ryan pressed.
"Ha! She wouldn't give me the time of day." Trey said.
"Really? I find that hard to imagine." Ryan said.
"It's true. She completely brushed me off the first time we met. But I think that's why I fell in love with her. She treated me like I was just any other guy and I've never had that before." Trey said.
"I can't imagine any woman not throwing themselves at this man, I mean look at him. He's gorgeous." Ellen says.
"Thank you, thank you." Trey chuckles.
"Ellen please don't make his head get big." I roll my eyes playfully and everyone laughs. "The thought may have crossed my mind," I admit. "But I had a boyfriend at the time so..."
"And now you're with Trey." Ryan raised an eyebrow at me. "Men, you heard it hear first. Do not leave your girlfriends alone with Trey. They're not safe. They don't call him Mr. Steal Your Girl for nothing."
"Well you know...." Trey chuckles.
"Let's get serious for a moment." Ryan says suddenly. "It was all over social media that you were in a car accident Amina. They were speculations that Trey was in the car with you... can you tell us a little about what happened and how are you feeling today?"
"I was in a car accident," I confirm. "But by the grace of God I'm alive and well. Just a little bruised up but I am healing."
"How did it happen?" Ryan wondered.
"Let's just say that my ex wasn't too happy about me leaving him for Trey." I replied.
"Trey you heard about this like the rest of us did," Ellen chimed in. "What was going through your head when you got that phone call?"
"I didn't believe it, ya know? I had a ton of questions running through my head but of course the most important one was is she okay? They are no words to describe how I felt at that moment I mean I thought I almost lost the woman I love. It was a bad couple days for me and that's an understatement." Trey said and I reached over and grabbed his hand to comfort him. Trey looked at me before he climbed out his seat and leaned over and kissed my forehead then lips.
"The love in the room right now guys is sickening." Ryan says jokingly. "Well I'm happy you're okay Amina. Trey, thank you for coming into the studio with us and the both of you are welcome back anytime. Trey Songz ladies and gentleman. Catch him on the Anticipation tour , get your tickets right now before the show is sold out. We'll be back after this." Ryan signed off.
"We need to get back to the crib so you can pack." Trey says to me the second we leave the studio.
"I actually wanted to talk to you about that." I say as I climb inside the car that waited for us.
"I'm not going back on tour with you."
5+ comments/Votes for the next chapter.
Thank you for reading! :)
Much love, Erica.

Already Taken | Trey Songz
FanfictionAmina Bryant needs a place to live. Crashing at her best friend's Alex apartment every time she and her boyfriend gets into a fight isn't exactly a long-term solution. Between juggling her classes at the local community college and her part-time jo...