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Amidst the turmoil of the Clone Wars, Cathleen, known affectionately as Kit Cat or Kit, bore a heavy secret within her. Her journey began in the hallowed halls of the Jedi Temple, where she had once been a bright and promising Padawan. But her life took a tragic turn when her Jedi Master, the one she had revered and trusted, started to succumb to the temptations of the dark side. Kit Cat had witnessed the subtle shifts in her Master's demeanor, the gradual embrace of the Sith's malevolent teachings. She pleaded with the Jedi Council to intervene, to save her Master from this descent into darkness. Yet, her pleas fell on deaf ears, her concerns dismissed as unfounded.

Faced with the despair of being unheard and the looming threat of darkness within the Order, Kit Cat made a heart-wrenching choice. At the tender age of sixteen, a year before the Clone Wars erupted, she left the Jedi Order behind, forsaking her lightsaber and her connection to the Force. Her once-azure eyes, now hidden behind a mask of secrecy, were marked by an extraordinary change.

Leaving the Order, Kit Cat found herself on a distant world, using her skills not as a Jedi, but as a healer and a medic. The people she met were unaware of her true identity, and she remained a hidden ex-Jedi, a silent guardian of a galaxy gripped by conflict. It was during her time as a healer that fate brought her face to face with the Bad Batch. On a remote planet, Tech, one of the Bad Batch members, suffered a grave injury. With no medical facility in sight, Kit Cat's expertise was their only hope.

As the Clone Wars raged on, Kit Cat's skills as a healer proved indispensable in the war-torn regions she traveled to. In the remote villages and battered cities, she tended to the wounded, offering solace and hope to those left shattered by the chaos. Kit Cat's presence brought a glimmer of light amidst the darkness that had consumed the galaxy.

However, her secret began to weigh on her heavily. The guilt of leaving the Jedi Order, abandoning her duty to protect and serve, gnawed at her conscience. She knew that her decision had been driven by the desperate need to save her Master, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she had forsaken a greater purpose.

Cat with nine lives- bad batch X OCWhere stories live. Discover now