CH 11

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Kit Cat, after securing the last crate in a hidden compartment within the ship's wall, turned her attention to the unconscious Crosshair. She sighed, contemplating the inevitable moment when he would wake up.

"How angry do you think he would be once he wakes up?" she mused aloud, directing the question to Red.

Red beeped and waved its hands in a shrug, signaling a level of uncertainty. Kit turned towards Red with disbelief. "What do you mean he won't be angry at you? You did this to him!"

In response, Red began pointing at Kit and started rapidly beeping. Kit held up her hands defensively. "Woah, it was not my fault that you misunderstood my hand signals."

"Ugh, I am not taking the blame on this one, Red. Let's move him to a room at least," Kit Cat declared, deciding it was time to relocate the unconscious Crosshair to a more comfortable space. Together, Kit and Red struggled to carry Crosshair, maneuvering through the ship's corridors and cursing under her breath every time they accidentally bumped him into something.

"Well, with the extra bumps, he would probably sleep more. Let's change the course so we can get rid of the stolen goods," Kit Cat suggested, thinking on her feet. Red emitted a series of dramatic beeps, catching Kit Cat's attention. "What do you mean we can't change course? What did you do, Red?" she inquired, a sense of urgency creeping into her voice. Hurriedly, Kit Cat rushed to the pilot chair.

Once seated, she attempted to manipulate the ship's steering controls, only to find the wheel unyielding. "It's stuck!" Kit Cat exclaimed, frustration evident in her tone. The unexpected turn of events added another layer of complexity to their situation.

"So you're telling me that Crosshair did something to the control panel that we can't change course?" Kit Cat questioned with a mix of frustration and disbelief. She ran her hands through her hair, her tail swishing sideways in agitation.

Red emitted a sequence of beeps, seemingly contemplating the situation. Kit Cat turned to Red with a determined look. "Red, there's got to be a way to get rid of his override. We need control back."

"So you're telling me that Crosshair did something to the control panel that we can't change course?" Kit Cat questioned with a mix of frustration and disbelief. She ran her hands through her hair, her tail swishing sideways in agitation.

Red rolled to the left side of the console and plugged into the ship's systems. He began to explain more about Crosshair's programming, emphasizing that the override wouldn't be removed unless they restarted the ship. However, Red cautioned that such a restart wouldn't guarantee a smooth outcome, especially for those unprepared for the process.

Taking a deep breath, she made a decision. "Alright, Red. We need control back, no matter what. Let's go for the restart. We'll deal with the consequences as they come. We can't let Crosshair dictate our every move."

"Okay, Red, ready for the restart," Kit Cat declared, bracing herself for the impending process. Meanwhile, under the console, Red moved around, turning switches and emitting a series of beeps. The ship responded to the commands, and Red flipped the last switch.

As the ship initiated the restart, it jerked out of hyperspace with a sudden and forceful movement, catching Kit Cat off guard. The shift in momentum caused all the items in the ship to jostle and shift. Kit Cat grabbed onto the pilot's chair, steadying herself as the vessel navigated through the transition.

The unexpected turbulence highlighted the precarious nature of their situation, and Kit Cat couldn't help but wonder what consequences this maneuver might have on their journey. As the ship stabilized in normal space, Kit Cat surveyed her surroundings, prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the wake of their risky decision to regain control.

Kit Cat moved herself back under the console, swiftly ripping wires and re-wiring them as Red plugged into the ship, reprogramming the controls. The process was intense, with Kit Cat's skillful hands working in tandem with the ship's AI to undo the effects of Crosshair's override. Meanwhile, a low groaning sound emanated from the back rooms.

swearing under her breath, knowing that dealing with Crosshair was inevitable. As she continued her work, she heard the unmistakable sound of a door being forced open. The ship's momentary power-off had given Crosshair to take some of his anger out on the door.

Kit Cat cautiously peeked from her position and saw Crosshair holding his head and back. It was evident that the restart had taken a toll on him. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt, knowing that their actions had consequences, even if unintended. As Crosshair struggled to regain his bearings, Kit Cat braced herself for the confrontation that was about to unfold.

"Red, I am done under here. Hurry up on your side so we can set course," Kit Cat said, her voice carrying a sense of urgency as she slowly emerged from under the console. Crosshair looked down at her with a peeved expression on his face, angerly chewing on a toothpick.

"Soo, you're up. Sorry for the bumpy wake-up call, but we had to fix the ship," Kit Cat explained, offering a nonchalant apology. Once she was out from under the console, the lights flickered back on, and Red rolled in circles around her. Kit laughed, looking at Red with pride. "I knew little smart Red could pull off the hard task. There was no risk in the restart."

Kit Cat pulled herself up and began to set the course to Rishi. The ship, now back under their control, hummed to life as they prepared to navigate through the galaxy once more. The unexpected challenges had tested their resolve, but Kit Cat's resourcefulness, combined with Red's technical prowess, had proven to be a formidable combination.

Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted as Crosshair swung the chair around, his hands gripping either side, effectively pinning Kit Cat to the seat. His body blocked the exits, and Kit looked up, shock evident in her expression. She remained silent, well aware of the intensity in Crosshair's demeanor.

Crosshair growled, his frustration evident. "You almost got us killed because you didn't like going straight to the meetup with my brothers?"

Kit Cat's mind raced as she processed Crosshair's words. She whispered, "I need to go to Rishi."

Crosshair, with a mocking tone, retorted, "Why is that, Kit Cat? Got some lover there?"

Kit flinched at his words. For the entire time she had been with Crosshair, he had never used her name. It struck her that she actually preferred the nickname he gave her.

"NO! On the planet, I have contacts and leads on information about the Separatists," Kit replied, her voice firm. The urgency in her mission was evident, and she hoped to convey to Crosshair the gravity of the situation.

Crosshair's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Kit Cat's revelation. She looked up at him and said, "Now you know why I need to go there. Some distractions are for the greater good, you know."

He sighed and gazed down at her. "Next time, ask me nicely, kitten, and I might help you with your distractions." Leaning in a bit more, he whispered into her ear, "Who knows, you might like it."

Kit stammered, caught off guard by his words, "W-w-what!" Her face turned beet red, a mixture of embarrassment and surprise painting her features

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