CH 14

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Kit stirred in her cozy bed, her eyes fluttering open to the soft hum of the ship's engines. She purred contentedly, snuggling deeper into the warmth that enveloped her. As time drifted lazily by, the door swished open, and Red, the astromech droid, rolled in with news.

"We are 10 hours away from the planet," Red chirped cheerfully. However, the cheerful announcement didn't sit well with Kit's throbbing head. She winced, grounding herself in the discomfort.

"Red, not so loud," Kit groaned, her head pounding with each word. Red, seemingly oblivious to her plight, decided to be helpful by pulling the blankets off Kit. With a low growl, Kit curled into a protective ball, clutching the remaining two blankets.

To her surprise, the blankets seemed to have a life of their own, shifting and moving around her. The warmth, initially comforting, turned into a playful tickle on her cheek. Kit's brows furrowed in confusion as she tried to make sense of this unexpected morning interaction.

Kit, still half-asleep, tried to fend off the annoying tickling sensation on her cheek. The warmth around her shifted, and she mumbled in protest. The tickling persisted, and finally, with a grumpy groan, Kit opened her eyes.

To her surprise, instead of finding Red responsible for the disturbance, she was met with the sight of Wrecker and Crosshair. He had a mischievous grin on his face, holding a small feather. "Morning, Kitten. Just thought I'd help you wake up," he chuckled.

Kit's eyes narrowed, but she couldn't help but smile. "You're lucky I'm too tired to use the Force right now. What's with the feather?"

Wrecker's grin widened. "Just having some fun. You've been out for quite a while. We'll be reaching the planet soon."

Kit groaned, the throbbing in her head intensifying as she rubbed her temples. "The outcome of drinking with us, Kitten," Crosshair sighed, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement.

"Can we sleep in a little bit more?" Kit pleaded, hoping for a reprieve. Wrecker, showing a rare moment of tenderness, kissed her forehead. "No can do, but I'll give you time until I prep a meal." With that, Wrecker rose, and a gust of cold air invaded Kit's cocoon of warmth.

Groaning and shivering, Kit rolled over and snuggled into her last remaining heater. Crosshair, seemingly unbothered by the morning chill, had already gone back to sleep. The ship hummed around them, a comforting backdrop to Kit's battle against the hangover.

Eventually, Kit sighed deeply, summoning the strength to sit up. She glanced around the room, spotting a shirt and throwing it on hastily. After a few more moments of collecting herself, Kit swung her legs over the edge of the bed. The gentle vibrations of the ship beneath her feet reminded her that they were on a journey, one filled with challenges and mysteries. With a renewed sense of determination, Kit stood up, ready to face the day and whatever awaited them on the planet of Rishi.

Exiting her room with a hint of jealousy toward Crosshair's ability to still sleep, Kit made her way through the corridor toward the kitchen. She noticed Hunter, barely holding it together. Concerned, Kit approached him, asking, "Hunter, are you okay? What's wrong?"

Hunter groaned and winced at Kit's words, admitting, "Hangovers are not that great with my mutations." Kit helped him sit at the table where Tech was already seated, and Wrecker was whistling a tune nearby.

Despite the discomfort in Hunter's features, Kit couldn't help but find a hint of amusement in the situation. "Well, at least you can say you gave me a warm welcome to the world of drinking," she teased, handing him a glass of water.

Tech, engrossed in his datapad, looked up and remarked, "My analysis indicates that the severity of hangovers varies among individuals. It appears that Hunter's enhanced physiology may not be as resilient to the effects of alcohol."

Hunter shot a mock glare at Tech before sipping the water Kit provided. "Remind me never to join your drinking games again," he muttered.

Kit chuckled, glancing at Wrecker, who was enthusiastically preparing breakfast. "How are you feeling, Wrecker?"

Wrecker beamed. "Great! I don't get hangovers. My head's like a durasteel fortress."

Hunter flinches as Kit places her hands on either side of his forehead. She starts using the Force to heal him, and after a few minutes, Hunter is back to himself. Tech observes, "Your eyes turn purple when you use the Force. Is that common among Jedi?"

Kit flinches a bit and looks away. "No, it is not common. It's a defect." she admits, a hint of vulnerability in her voice. The unique trait sets her apart, a reminder of her individuality within the realm of Force users.

After Kit's admission, there's a brief pause in the room as the significance of her statement settles in. The team exchanges glances, their expressions reflecting a mix of understanding and acceptance. Hunter, now fully recovered, nods appreciatively at Kit.

"You've got your own way of doing things, and it works for us," he says, acknowledging the strength in Kit's abilities despite the unconventional aspect.

Tech, always analytical, adds, "Defect or not, it's a unique characteristic. Perhaps it has its advantages."

Kit, grateful for the acceptance, smiles at her team

Crosshair comes up behind Kit, resting his head on hers, and his arms dangle over her shoulders. In a gravelly voice, he says, "Good kitten, fits our team even more."

Hunter looks up, "About the mission to get trade information, what are you trading it for?"

Kit smiles big. "Red, would you do the honors?" Red comes in, showcasing with triumphant tunes some separatist rare items.

Red's display prompts Kit to proudly declare, "This is how I knew how to sneak into the factory and knew the layout very well," puffing out her chest with her hand on her hips, exuding a sense of accomplishment.

"HAHA stealing from the separatist to get separatist information, That's GREAT! Also Kitten, you look fantastic in my shirt," Wrecker's big smile is contagious. Until the last line, Kit looks down and is shocked. It was indeed Wrecker's shirt. Kit blushes, gets up, and mumbles about changing. Hunter stops her and sneaks an arm around her waist, sitting her down on his lap.

"Breakfast is ready, kitten. Eat first, then change," Hunter whispers in her ear, causing her to shiver. The unexpected closeness and the gentle reassurance from Hunter ease the embarrassment, and Kit, despite her initial discomfort, starts to relax. Kit, perched on Hunter's lap, feels a mixture of embarrassment and warmth. She glances at Hunter, who gives her a reassuring smile. Despite the teasing about Wrecker's shirt, there's a sense of camaraderie and acceptance within the team.

As they sit together, Red enters the room with a tray of breakfast, the aroma of freshly cooked food wafting through the air. The team gathers around, creating a makeshift dining area. The banter and laughter continue, creating a comfortable and familial atmosphere.

Wrecker, still grinning, pats Kit on the back. "You know, it suits you, Kitten. Good choice."

Kit rolls her eyes playfully, a smile breaking through her initial embarrassment. The team enjoys their meal together, discussing plans for the day and sharing stories from past missions.

After breakfast, Kit excuses herself to change. The team disperses to prepare for the day's tasks, leaving behind a room filled with the remnants of their shared moments

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