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As the hologram plays over the commons, revealing sensitive information from Tech's data pad, the Batchers realize the extent of the breach in their security. Tension mounts among the group as they grapple with the implications of their captured data.

As Tech focuses on regaining control of the situation, an audio hologram of a recording from Tech's data pad begins to play:

Crosshair's voice is heard, expressing skepticism, "I don't know why we need to go on this mission with this girl?"

Wrecker chimes in with agreement, "Yeah, we can handle that factory with our hands tied."

There's a pause in the recording, followed by Obi-Wan's voice, filled with understanding, "Sigh, I know you all can handle this base by your team alone. However, I need you to gain her trust, and in order to do so, you need to take her on the mission."

Tech, processing the information, clarifies, "The mission is to gain her trust on this mission?"

Obi-Wan responds with wisdom, "Just by doing this one mission won't make her trust you, but her guard would be down afterwards. She tends to run away rather than face her problems. After the mission, make sure you have a way to find out where she is at all times."

Hunter, seeking further guidance, asks, "Sir, once we have gained her trust, what would you like us to do?"

Obi-Wan's response is direct and to the point, "I need you to bring her to Coruscant in front of the Jedi Council. We have a few questions she needs to answer for us."

Obi-Wan's warning echoes with gravity as he preempts any underestimation of their new companion: "Do not underestimate her; she was a strong fighter before she disappeared from the Order."

Hunter affirmed voice comes in, "we will get it done sir"

As the hologram fades, the gravity of their mission settles upon them, reaffirming their resolve to fulfill their duty and bring their new companion before the Jedi Council.

Silence filled the room, tension hanging thick in the air. Then, a tap-tap resonated over the intercoms of the building.

"Ooooo!! Kitty Cat is mad! Her claws are out," the voice teased over the intercoms.

"KC, are you sure I can't keep them for fun?" Amuir's voice chimed in, playful but with a hint of mischief.

"No, Amuir, no. It's my turn to have fun with them. They sure made me look like a fool," KC seethed over the commons, her frustration evident in her tone.

"Okay, girl, you do you, woman," Amuir laughed in the background, the sound echoing through the room.

"So, boys, were you ever going to give me a choice, or were you going to drag me in front of the council?" KC questioned them angrily. Each word she spoke grew louder and more intense.

Before the Batchers could respond, Kit intervened decisively, "Red, let them out. I am done with their ship. They will be stuck here for a bit while we leave them eating our stardust."

Tech stands up as the door opens, his expression stern. "Kit, do not leave the orbit. If your ship moves too far from ours..." His warning is cut short by a loud click followed by static.

"Mmmm, a classic call and ditch. Never gets old," the voice taunts over the intercom. "Yo, runway models, if you don't hurry, your ship will be scuttled."

The team bolted out of the pirate gang hideout and found themselves in the midst of a sprawling black market. As they navigated the crowded streets, a woman sauntered past them and whistled. "Hey, big boy," she cooed, placing a hand on Wrecker's arm. "How much for a night, hmm?"

Wrecker blushed and stammered, "Hunter—"

"Sorry, mis, he's already booked," Hunter interjected, amusement evident in his tone.

Tech's voice cut through the banter, urgent and focused. "Our ship is 0.62 clicks away. We need to move fast to get to Kit."

The group sprinted toward their ship's location, dread mounting as they glimpsed it in the distance. A crowd had gathered around it, dismantling and auctioning off its parts.

"Crosshair, Wrecker, secure the ship," Hunter commanded, his voice unwavering. "Tech, find a way to put our ship back together. We can't afford to lose it."

Crosshair and Wrecker swiftly chased away the scavengers, clearing the way for Tech to begin putting the ship back together. After three hours of meticulous work, Hunter called out to Tech, "Are we almost ready to take off?"

"Yes, we just need the piece that Wrecker is securing," Tech replied.

Hunter and Tech turned their attention to Wrecker, who was holding the last item needed. However, an old lady began yelling and smacking him, accusing him of theft. Crosshair intervened, shouting, "Wrecker, stop playing with the old lady and let's go."

Reluctantly, Wrecker approached, expressing his reluctance to hurt her. "I don't want to hurt her. I mean, look at her, she's such a granny," he lamented.

Hunter approached the granny calmly, extending a hand to her. "Ma'am, would you like to go for a walk with me?"

The granny's demeanor softened, and she exclaimed, "Ooo, be still my heart! See, why can't you be more like him and steal my heart instead of my things?" She smacked Wrecker one more time before taking Hunter's hand and rambling on about his handsome features.

With the old lady charmed by Hunter's gesture, she soon bid them farewell, leaving the Batchers.

With the situation diffused and the last piece secured, the Batchers were finally ready to depart.

(Sorry, sorry. I know I changed the points of view. I wanted to see which writing style I like the most. I think I like the first point of view more than the third.)

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