CH 16

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Seeing the Bad Batch hanging in their cell feels dreadful yet just. Kit looks at her pirate friend Amuir, her hat tilted slightly with feathers draping one side of her face. Amuir puts a hand on Kit and smiles.

"Kit, you always bring the best presents for me. I know you feel bad, however, that is your small Jedi heart trying to grow bigger. Remember when I found you and helped you get back on your feet? What did I always say?"

Kit looks up and half-smiles, "The world I once knew is gone, and a new one has opened. With that opening, your heart and mind need to change in this harsh world to survive."

Amuir hands her Tech data pad. "There's some intel that they were hiding from you. Be careful of these four; they have never failed a mission, and that is impressive based on their past missions."

Kit starts to look through the data pad. "Wow, he records everything."

Amuir chuckles, "Yeah, it looks like a creepy hobby or a documentary of his life. Skip to last week's videos with Obi-Wan and Cody."

Kit looks at Amuir sideways while walking away from the newly installed ornaments. Kits scrolls through the videos and finds the ones that Amuir wanted her to see. Kit starts crying. Amuir pulls Kit into the bar area and pours her a drink. "My love, this is why you need to put away your Jedi heart, for you are too trusting with people you just meet."

After pouring Kit a drink and seeing her distress, Amuir sits beside her, offering a comforting presence. Kit takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself amidst the flood of emotions triggered by the revelations in the data pad.

As Kit wipes away her tears and takes a swig of the drink, she realizes the depth of her naivety and the gravity of the situation. "We need to pat those boys down so they can't escape, strip them of everything. Make sure you hide the cameras watching them, and the guards do not interact with them no matter what."

Amuir smiles, "That's my smart Kit Cat." Amuir waves her hand, and her second-in-command comes over, listening as Amuir reiterates everything that Kit has said.

After Amuir's second-in-command listens attentively, they nod in understanding and swiftly carry out Kit's instructions. The Bad Batch members are thoroughly searched, stripped of any potential tools or escape aids, and the cameras monitoring them are discreetly hidden from view.

Meanwhile, the guards receive strict orders not to engage with the prisoners, emphasizing the importance of maintaining distance and minimizing any opportunities for communication or manipulation.

As the preparations are underway, Kit's mind races with plans and contingencies. With the immediate tasks accomplished, Kit and Amuir exchange a silent glance.

"Wanna have a little fun with the boys?" Amuir said.

Kit snickers, "It's like you're reading my mind."

The two walk off, laughing about their upcoming fun.


Hunter wakes up, his eyes fluttering as he fights for consciousness. "Oo, goody, Hunter is awake," Crosshair says with a huff. "Welcome to our predicament."

Hunter opens his eyes and sees his brothers in different cells, each dangling in the center of them.

"What happened? Where are all our clothes?" Hunter starts to look around, trying to piece together their situation.

Tech responds, "Apparently, our contact was not so friendly and was ready for us. A fight broke out."

Wrecker interrupts, "And smoke filled the room up really fast. We woke up like this."

Cat with nine lives- bad batch X OCWhere stories live. Discover now