CH 15

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Touching down on the pirate planet, Kit and Red set to work preparing the stolen goods. Tech, glancing out and looking confused, remarked, "This is not the port for the main hub."

Kit, with a smug expression, pushed back, "Don't you know it." She playfully tossed a shovel at Tech. "Thank you for your gracious volunteerism."

Tech, catching the shovel, shot Kit a wry look before shrugging and joining in the work.

"Why do we need a shovel?" Tech tilted his head to the side, genuine curiosity in his expression.

Wrecker, always ready for a bit of excitement, chimed in, "Do you have dead bodies around here? Oooo, maybe buried treasure?"

Kit laughed, shaking her head. "No, I'm going to hide the stolen goods. We're dealing with pirates, and we need to make sure they don't betray us or kill us on the spot. We trade small goods to see if the intel is any good or current. Then things get complicated," she explained, a note of seriousness in her tone.

With a sigh, Kit started to dig near a big rock. Tech, understanding the necessity, joined in to help. After a moment, Kit handed the shovel to Wrecker, who eagerly took his turn in the task.

As Crosshair and Hunter carry out the rest of the goods to be buried, Kit positions herself in a meditative stance near the two diggers. Crosshair, feeling the weight of the goods, grumbles, "Huh, so you get to sit and relax while we do the heavy lifting."

Kit, maintaining her meditation pose with eyes closed, retorts, "Well, you four decided to invade my ship, not trusting me to meet you at the agreed spot. I would have done this all without your sass."

Wrecker, who had taken a break from digging, looks at Kit with a mix of curiosity and respect. "How can you meditate at a time like this?"

Kit opens her eyes, still in her meditation pose, and responds, "Sometimes, finding peace within chaos is the best way to navigate it." The four brothers turned to give her a look. Kit just smirks. While the clones were busy with the task, Red rolled up next to Kit.

"Red, I am sensing something from those four," Kit says to red in a small voice. Red goes on guard. "there is something more going on then we know Red." Red beeps and waves his hands suggesting a no duh don't you think.

Kit laughs lightly, getting up from her meditation spot and starts to move rocks on top of another.

Kit opens her eyes, still in her meditation pose, and responds, "Sometimes, finding peace within chaos is the best way to navigate it." The four brothers turn to give her a curious look. Kit just smirks. While the Colnes are busy with their tasks, Red rolls up next to Kit.

"Red, I am sensing something from those four," Kit says to Red in a small voice. Red goes on guard. "There is something more going on than we know, Red." Red beeps and waves his hands, suggesting a "no duh, don't you think."

Kit laughs lightly, getting up from her meditation spot, and starts to arrange rocks on top of each other.

As Kit arranges the rocks, she notices a subtle vibration in the air. Red, still on guard, emits a low hum in response to Kit's observation. The four brothers approach cautiously, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern.

Kit, with a focused expression, continues to stack the rocks while Red scans the surroundings. The air seems charged with an unseen energy.

Kit finished piling the rocks. "Red, did you pick up anything?" Red shook his head. "Okay, boys, let's get some scooters and go into town."

The team quickly gathers the necessary equipment and heads into town on their scooters. The atmosphere shifts from the secluded burying ground to the bustling pirate town, filled with a diverse mix of species, markets, and establishments.

As they navigate through the narrow streets, Kit takes the lead, familiar with the layout from her earlier reconnaissance. The team, on the lookout for any signs of trouble, moves with a cautious yet determined pace.

They reach a local market where traders barter for various goods. Kit, with her expertise in dealing with pirates, leads negotiations and discussions to gather information discreetly. The team splits up, blending into the crowd, each member playing a specific role in the reconnaissance.

Red whispers to Hunter, "My contact that I need to meet should be in the bar called Crazy 8s. We should all go in separately and maybe have one stay outside so they don't know our numbers." Hunter moves his arm around Kit and starts to walk towards Crazy 8s.

"What are you doing?" Kit hissed. "We need to go in separately." She started to look around, ensuring that the others weren't planning to enter the bar at the same time.

Hunter leaned in, his voice low. "Relax. We, as in you and me, are going in first. Tech and Wrecker will enter later."

Kit nods in agreement with Hunter's plan. Together, they enter the bustling Crazy 8s, the atmosphere alive with music, laughter, and the clinking of glasses. The bar is dimly lit, filled with a diverse crowd of pirates, traders, and other shady characters.

As Kit and Hunter make their way to the bar, Hunter positions Kit close to him, keeping an arm around her. Together, they discreetly scan the surroundings, searching for Red's contact. The air is thick with the scent of various concoctions, and the hum of conversations creates a symphony of background noise.

Red, Tech, and Wrecker bide their time outside, strategically choosing the right moment to enter without drawing too much attention.

Feeling Hunter's protective stance, Kit leans into him, whispering, "You know you're acting overly protective with me. The contact won't be able to find me if you stick this close to me."

Hunter scans the room, his gaze unwavering. "Trust me, Kit. If the contact is not staring at you right now, then they are blind." Kit looks up at him and notices a few of his emotions flaring. She blushes and looks away. While looking away, Kit notices a figure lingering at the edge of the room, casting furtive glances in their direction. Kit nudges Hunter subtly, indicating the individual's presence.

"That's the guy, I need to approach him," Kit declares, getting up to meet him, with Hunter following closely behind. Kit, surprised by this, stops him and hisses, "What are you doing? I need to approach, not you."

"Not going to happen. I need to keep you close," Hunter says, his gaze scanning the surroundings.

Kit's voice rushed, "What do you mean by that, soldier?"

Hunter, taken aback by her loss of composure, stammers, "It's what I need to do. You need to be near me."

Feeling a sense of urgency and unease, Kit reaches out into the Force, seeking to uncover the real truth behind Hunter's words and actions.

Kit gasps and stumbles back a little, startled by Hunter's sudden intervention. He stops her from going any further, his presence offering reassurance in the midst of uncertainty.

"Fine, but you don't say anything to the contact, got it?" Kit says in a shaky voice, her nerves evident.

Kit and Hunter approach the table where the contact awaits. The contact speaks first, saying, "My favorite drink is one with an umbrella."

Kit responds with a hint of wit, "So, you can use the umbrella on a rainy day."

The exchange carries a subtle tension, with Kit and Hunter carefully navigating the intricacies of the meeting while deciphering the contact's intentions. The atmosphere crackles with anticipation as they await the next move in their high-stakes mission.

The contact waves a hand towards Hunter. "Didn't we agree to meet alone here?"

Kit sits down, maintaining her composure. "Some complications arose, and I also noted you did not come alone either."

The contact smiles. "Just some friends," she replies cryptically, tipping her hat. Suddenly, a huge brawl erupts all around them, engulfing the bar in chaos and commotion.

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