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Hearing the soft hum of the ship and feeling the warmth around me, I slowly flutter my eyes open. Hunter's face appears before me, and he gently rubs my back and head. "Go back to sleep, Kitten. It's not time for you to wake up," he murmurs soothingly. Purring softly in contentment, I try to speak, but only croaks come out. Hunter pulls me closer, tucking my head under his chin, and I listen to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. With my foggy brain and his comforting presence, I drift back to sleep.

Occasionally, I wake up to the sound of a different Batcher's voice, offering soothing words or rubbing my back and stomach, ensuring my comfort as I rest. Later on, I ponder if they bribed me with this treatment, I would have joined them willingly, not putting up a huge fight, just a smaller one to make it seem like they won the chase. I open my eyes and see Crosshair cleaning his gun, while Hunter is on the computer, researching a planet. Wrecker is nowhere in sight. I turn my head and realize I'm lying on top of Tech. He has one hand on his datapad, and I can feel the warmth of his other hand resting on my back. Crosshair notices I woke up. "Morning, sunshine."

Tech shifts his datapad away and looks down at me. "Good, you're awake. How do you feel? Any numbness in the limbs?" Tech quizzes me.

"No, not that I know of. However, I really need to go to the bathroom right now though," I say, feeling a bit embarrassed. I try to move my arms and attempt to sit up, but my arms tremble and collapse on me. "Huff," I let out, falling back on top of Tech, who was studying me. "Don't just stare, please help me," I say sheepishly. Hunter comes up to the bunk beds, moves my legs, and turns me to face him before scooping me up. His arms are on either side of my body under my knees and wrapped around my back. He leans on a side to open the door to the bathroom.

"Alright, Kit, just let me know if you need any help," Hunter says, assisting me to the bathroom. "I'll leave you to it, but don't hesitate to call for me if you need anything." With a nod, he exits the room, giving me some privacy.

As I start to maneuver myself onto the seat, I suddenly realize something isn't right. Looking down, I see that I'm not wearing any pants or a shirt. Confusion and alarm wash over me. "What the... What happened?" I mutter to myself, trying to piece together the events leading up to this moment.

A blur of memories floods my mind, and it slowly dawns on me: they came back for me. But why? I ponder the reasons behind their actions as I stick my head out of the bathroom door to see Hunter and Tech standing outside.

"Hey, did you guys happen to stop by my ship to get my clothes and Red?" I inquire, hoping for an explanation.

Hunter responds with a slow smile. "No, love, we didn't. You'll just have to wear our shirts." With that, he leaves, and Tech maneuvers the door to open fully, causing me to yelp in horror at the sudden exposure.

"Tech, what are you doing?" I ask, feeling exposed and vulnerable.

He leaves his datapad to scan me and document my health. "I'm checking on your health, Kit. You were poisoned 42 hours ago and still need to be monitored," he explains calmly.

My eyes widen in shock. "42 hours! I've been asleep for that long?" The realization hits me like a ton of bricks.

Tech nods, confirming my realization. "Yes, you've been unconscious for quite some time. But don't worry, you're safe now, and we're here to take care of you," he reassures me, his voice steady and reassuring.

Feeling a mix of gratitude and confusion, I nod, trying to process everything. "Thank you, Tech," I murmur softly.

He offers me a small smile as he reaches for my hand. Feeling Tech's hand gently holding mine, his thumb tracing soothing circles on my palm, I glance up at him. Though he has shifted his focus back to his datapad, diligently monitoring my vital signs, his small gesture of comfort doesn't go unnoticed.

A few moments go by before Hunter shows up with an extra shirt. I grab the shirt and attempt to push the button to close the door, but it refuses to budge. Frustrated and confused, I glance up and catch Tech smirking, pointing accusingly at him. "Y-You are doing this to the door?" I stammer, incredulous. The door finally closes after my question. With a shrug and mumbled promises for revenge, I toss the shirt on and open the door. "I expected that behavior from him," I say, gesturing towards Crosshair, who feigns surprise but looks more annoyed than anything.

"Doll, I won't tease you with doors. But through other ways," Crosshair winks while slowly cleaning his gun. My mouth hangs open at the possibilities, but I quickly shake my head, reminding myself now is not the time for daydreaming. I need to find out why they came back for me and confirm if my vision was accurate.

Turning towards the other two, I ask, "Why did you come back for me?" Hunter gestures for me to sit down on the bed, and Wrecker enters at that moment, handing over some questionable-looking food paste that appears to be gray. The four of them arrange themselves comfortably around me, ready for the discussion ahead.

As I settle onto the bed, Hunter begins to speak, his voice gentle yet firm. "We came back for you because you're part of our team now, Kit. Despite the rocky start, you've shown bravery and loyalty, qualities we value in our members."

Tech nods in agreement. "Additionally, we couldn't leave you behind knowing you were poisoned and in need of medical attention. It's our duty to look out for each other."

Crosshair interjects with a smirk, "Plus, we couldn't resist the opportunity to see the look on your face when you woke up to find us hovering over you."

I chuckle softly, feeling a sense of warmth at their camaraderie. Despite their rough exterior, the Batchers truly care about each other. "Well, thanks for coming back for me," I say sincerely, grateful for their support.

Wrecker grins widely and hands me a bowl of the gray food paste. "Eat up, Kit! It's not gourmet, but it'll keep you going until we can get some real food."

I take a hesitant bite, surprised to find that it's not as bad as it looks.

Kit begins, "The video I saw on Tech's datapad about the conversation with Obi-Wan—"

Tech interrupts, "That was only half of the conversation. I've stored videos in different areas as a precaution, just in case someone gets too curious for their own good."

I shrug and point out, "Well, then you should have been more careful around animals."

Hunter picks up where Tech left off, "The rest of the conversation with Obi-Wan was about inviting you to join our team. He wants you to meet the Council to discuss why you left the Jedi Order and to offer you a position as a team member."

Kit nods, absorbing the information. "So, Obi-Wan wanted me to join your team and meet the Council to discuss my departure from the Jedi Order."

Hunter nods in confirmation. "That's right. He believes you have valuable skills and potential, and he wants us to help you find your place outside the Order."

Tech chimes in, his expression serious. "But joining us means taking on dangerous missions and facing formidable challenges. Are you ready for that?"

I take a moment to consider their words, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "I left the Jedi Order to find my own path, and if that path leads me to you all, then I'm willing to take the risk."

Crosshair grins, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Well, looks like we've got ourselves a new recruit, whether she likes it or not."

Wrecker laughs heartily, slapping me on the back. "Welcome to the team, Kit! We're gonna have some fun together."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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