CH 3

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A month had passed since the Separatists first landed, and life in the forest had become a struggle for survival. We, the scattered survivors who had managed to escape the initial invasion, had found refuge within the dense, unforgiving foliage.

As days turned into weeks, more and more survivors from other towns and villages found their way into the forest. With each new arrival, our numbers grew, and a sense of unity and community began to take shape. It was a diverse group, people from all walks of life, and we were united by the common goal of evading the Separatists and finding a way to push back against their occupation.

I found myself stepping into a leadership role, not out of ambition, but out of necessity. My training as a Jedi, my medical skills, and my experience in survival situations made me a natural choice to coordinate our efforts. With the help of others who had valuable skills, we began to set up a network of scouts, traps, and outposts throughout the forest.

The forest became our sanctuary, our hideout from the Separatists. We established stations for hunters, medical aid, and kitchens to ensure we had food, supplies, and healthcare. It was a delicate balance, but with each passing day, our ragtag group grew more organized and resilient.

We knew that we couldn't hide in the forest forever. So, in the midst of our preparations for resistance, we also worked on gathering intelligence about the Separatists and their activities in the village. We needed to learn their weaknesses, their routines, and their plans. Only then could we hope to stand a chance in reclaiming our home.

The days were long and demanding, and every night as I lay down to rest, I thought of the people we had left behind in the village, and of the Jedi Order I had once been a part of. I couldn't help but wonder if, one day, we would be able to return to the village and drive the Separatists away, just as I had once sworn to protect the galaxy from darkness.

I was jolted awake from a restless sleep, my hand instinctively reaching for the lightsabers I had hidden under my makeshift bed. The voice calling my name, "Kit! Kit!" was filled with urgency and uncertainty. I sat up, my heart pounding, ready for a potential threat.

It was Jack, one of our scouts, who had roused me from slumber. His face was a mix of excitement and disbelief as he delivered the news. "Hey, Kit, you won't believe it! The new ship that just landed has troops, and there's a Jedi with them! They say they're here to fight the Separatists and help our village!"

I stared at Jack, a mixture of hope and skepticism coursing through me. A Jedi arriving on our planet was an unexpected turn of events. The thought of encountering another Jedi in this far-flung place was both astonishing and filled with potential.

As I swiftly got to my feet and gathered my hidden lightsabers, my mind raced with questions. Could this Jedi and their allies be trusted? Was this a genuine offer of help, or could it be a ploy by the Separatists to root us out of hiding?

"Take me to them, Jack," I said, my voice filled with a determination to find out the truth and to do what was best for the people I had vowed to protect. This unexpected development could be the turning point we had been hoping for, but I would need to proceed with caution, keeping in mind the shadow of the past and the responsibility I carried as a former Jedi padawan.

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