CH 1

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The scorching sun beat down relentlessly as I stepped out of my humble hut. Sweat trickled down my brow, a constant reminder of the unforgiving climate on this arid planet. I longed for a respite, a cloud, or a brief shower of rain, but it seemed the heavens had turned a blind eye to my plea.

With a deep breath, I pushed my thoughts of the weather aside and focused on the task at hand. I had patients to tend to, and their well-being was my top priority. I reached for my list, a parchment filled with the names of herbs and remedies I needed to replenish. It was essential to maintain a well-stocked inventory to ensure I could provide the best care to those who sought my help.

I gathered a sturdy bag and began to fill it with containers and pouches, each holding a different herb or ingredient. The aroma of the dried herbs was comforting, a familiar scent that reminded me of my purpose in this remote and harsh environment.

Once my bag was prepared, I slung it over my shoulder and made my way towards the market. The streets were dusty, and the town seemed to simmer under the relentless sun. The market was a hub of activity, despite the oppressive heat. People from all walks of life bustled about, their faces hidden beneath wide-brimmed hats and robes to shield them from the sun's burning rays.

As I navigated the market, I greeted familiar faces and exchanged pleasantries with the local vendors. They knew me well, and I had earned their respect for my dedication to the healing arts. I carefully selected the herbs and ingredients I needed, taking care to inspect their quality. The market was a place of vibrant colors and lively chatter, a stark contrast to the stillness of my hut.

With my bag now filled with the necessary supplies and news chip, I headed back to my little hut. The weight of the herbs and the sweltering heat made each step feel like a struggle, but my determination to help my patients pushed me forward. The people of this unforgiving planet relied on me for their medical needs, and I would not let them down.

Upon returning to my hut, I organized the newly acquired herbs and ingredients with the existing stock. I knew that the health and well-being of the people I cared for rested on my shoulders, and I took that responsibility seriously. The scent of the herbs filled the air, their healing potential ready to be harnessed.

As I wiped the sweat from my brow and prepared to return to my duties, I couldn't help but look out the window again. The relentless sun showed no sign of relenting, but I was determined to bring relief to those in need, one patient at a time. In this scorching desert, amidst the unforgiving sun, I found purpose in the act of healing, and that was enough to sustain me, for know.

I wince as the memories of the past threaten to flood my thoughts. No, I remind myself, now is not the time to dwell on those painful memories. I take a deep breath, a technique I learned during my training as a healer, and I force myself to look forward.

Before seeking out Brent, I make my rounds to check on my patients one more time. Their well-being is of utmost importance, and I take my responsibilities as a healer seriously. As I go from bedside to bedside, I offer comforting words and reassurances, doing my best to alleviate their pain and suffering.

Finally, I make my way over to the old man, Brent. He's a regular visitor who enjoys sitting in the shade near my hut, sharing stories, and watching the news with me in the afternoon. He's become a dear friend over the years, and I appreciate his company.

"Good afternoon, Brent," I greet him with a warm smile, setting my bag of herbs and remedies aside. "Are you ready for the new chip?" I ask, referring to the latest news update that we typically watch together.

Brent nods and chuckles, "Oh, you know me, always eager to stay informed. Let's see what's happening in the galaxy today." He shuffles closer to the small screen I've set up outside, and I join him, turning on the news feed.

As we watched the news, a sense of unease settled in the pit of my stomach. The reports were filled with conflict, war, and turmoil, and I couldn't help but worry. The war seemed to be drawing closer to our humble planet, and the implications of that were deeply concerning.

Brent noticed my worried expression and offered a reassuring word. "It's going to be fine," he said, his voice carrying a hint of optimism. "Who would want to fight over this backwater planet, after all?"

I managed to muster a small smile at his attempt to calm my fears. "You know, this charming place does have its own unique beauty," I replied. "But I do hope you're right, Brent. We're barely holding it together in this town as it is."

Brent's smile was warm and understanding. "Don't worry," he said with a reassuring pat on my shoulder. "With your healing skills, you'd just patch everyone back up like last time with the pirates."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his attempt to ease my worries. He had a way of bringing comfort even in uncertain times. As the news continued to play, I found solace in Brent's presence and the belief of that.

The next day, as I went about the simple task of gathering water, a rare and hopeful sight made me smile. In the sky, I saw clouds forming, and for a brief moment, I dared to hope for some much-needed rain. It had been so long since this planet had seen any significant precipitation, and it would bring relief to both the land and its inhabitants.

But as I stood there, appreciating the sight of the growing clouds, a sudden and ominous rumbling beneath my feet caught my attention. The ground shook, and my heart raced with a sense of impending danger. I looked up to the sky, and my face went pale as I realized the truth.

Those were not clouds. It was the Separatists.

The Separatist Alliance, a formidable force in the Clone Wars, had been encroaching on planets throughout the galaxy, and it seemed our isolated world was not immune to their reach. Panic and fear gripped me as I hurriedly made my way back to my hut. The war, which I had hoped would remain distant, had suddenly arrived on our doorstep, casting a shadow of uncertainty over our peaceful existence.

As I closed the door to my hut and began to prepare for what lay ahead, I couldn't help but wonder how this conflict would affect the patients I had vowed to care for. The future had grown even more uncertain, and it was clear that our small, seemingly insignificant planet was now entangled in the galactic turmoil.

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