CH 6

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Obi-Wan, Cody, and a group of soldiers followed me as we moved deeper into the forest. I made a point to speak to Cody. "There's an advantageous vantage point through this part of the forest," I informed him. "From there, you can see the enemy's campsite from above. However, as we walk there, be cautious and avoid the spores of the mushrooms that grow in this area. They can be toxic.

Obi-Wan's attempt at casual conversation couldn't hide the tension in the air. He asked, "Cat, how have you been?"

I met his question with a deadpan look. "It's been wonderful," I replied dryly, "hiding from my old master and now hiding from the Republic's enemies. You know, I should write a book about running."

One of the soldiers nearby couldn't help but scoff at my remark.

"How's your Padawan Obi-wan? Has Anakin gotten into more trouble without me around?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, a mixture of exasperation and a hint of fondness in my expression. "Oh, you know Anakin" Obi-wan said with a hint of a smile. "He always finds trouble, with or without you. But he's holding his own, as always." He is a knight by the way"

I stopped in my tracks and turned to Obi-Wan, a disbelieving look on my face. "You're joking, right?" I exclaimed. "Trouble Force is a knight now? By the Force, I can only imagine the uproar the Council had when that happened."

The idea of Anakin, the notorious troublemaker I had once known, becoming a Jedi Knight was nothing short of astonishing. It was clear that much had changed in the time I had been away from the Jedi Order.

As I made my comment about Anakin's newfound knighthood, the soldiers, including Obi-Wan, shared a moment of laughter. I couldn't help but smile at the camaraderie that was developing among our group, even in the midst of uncertain times.

I decided to get to know the soldiers a bit better. "What are your names?" I asked, and both of them responded with a small salute.

The first soldier introduced himself, saying, "Waxer."

The second followed suit, saying, "Boil."

They both added "Sir" after their names, displaying their respect. I couldn't help but notice their striking similarities and asked, "Are you two twins?"

Waxer and Boil exchanged a glance and then shook their heads. "No, Sir," Waxer replied, "we're from the same clone batch."

We approached the area that overlooked the enemy's location. To avoid detection, we crawled on our stomachs, making our way stealthily through the underbrush. As we reached the vantage point, I pointed out the two key structures.

"That's the mining facility," I said gravely, "that's where they're taking the hostages. They're being forced to work in the mines." I then gestured toward the other building. "And that's where they're assembling the droids for their army."

The grim reality of the situation became even more apparent as I described their activities. It was clear that the Separatists were exploiting the captives for labor while building their war machines, and this knowledge only strengthened our resolve to free the hostages and put a stop to the enemy's operations.

Cody spoke up, suggesting, "Sir, we would need a small team to infiltrate the mining facility."

Obi-Wan considered the plan and then nodded in agreement. "I agree," he said, "we'll need a small team to blow up the droid factory while we extract the people on the other side."

Cody acknowledged the orders. "I'll Comm in the Bad Batch, sir."

(UGH! At last, I have managed to arrange my thoughts.)

Cat with nine lives- bad batch X OCWhere stories live. Discover now