CH 10

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Kit Cat's instincts kicked in as she screamed and, without hesitation, used the Force to react to the presence behind her. In a swift and practiced motion, she turned and pinned the intruder down.

Breathing heavily and her heart still racing, Kit Cat peered down to see the face of her assailant. To her surprise, it was not her former master but Crosshair, one of the Bad Batch members. The adrenaline that had surged through her began to ebb, and she released her hold on him.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Kit Cat demanded, her voice filled with both concern and anger.

Crosshair grunted, his tone surprisingly calm given the circumstances. "No, I'm trying to get straddled by you."

As Kit Cat realized the compromising position she was in, she quickly scrambled back, her cheeks flushing. She glared down at Crosshair, her expression a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment.

Kit Cat's cheeks burned with a mixture of embarrassment and irritation as Crosshair remarked, "How fitting, a blushing Kitten." He moves up to his elbows. "Thinking of running away kitten?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, and why are you on my ship?" Kit Cat questioned, her voice still holding a note of suspicion as she followed Crosshair to the pilot's seat.

Crosshair ignored her questions for the moment and efficiently started the ship for takeoff. Kit Cat watched in silence as he skillfully navigated through the Republic forces, his every move precise and calculated. As he set the coordinates for Coruscant, she couldn't help but be impressed by his piloting skills.

"Kitten, with your record for running away, I thought it was best for us for me to join you," Crosshair finally explained.

Kit Cat raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "My track record? I was on my way to Coruscant, by the way."

Crosshair stood and looked down at her, a hint of surprise in his eyes. "Really?"

Kit Cat crossed her arms and replied, "Yes, really. I would have gotten there. Might get distracted on the way, but I would have made it to the meetup eventually." her voice trailing off at the end.

Crosshair observed her for a moment before smirking slightly. "Well, Kitten, let's hope you won't get too distracted on the way to Coruscant. We've got work to do." He starts to look around the ship.

snapped out of her dazed thoughts about potential distractions, realizing Crosshair's intentions, and a wave of panic gripped her.

"I don't need a babysitter," Kit protested firmly, attempting to halt Crosshair's exploration of the ship. However, he sidestepped her, determined to investigate further. He approached a door, seemingly ready to open it.

Kit, swift on her feet, darted in front of the door before Crosshair could push the button. Averting a potential breach of privacy, she guarded the entrance.

It was at this moment that Red, decided to intervene. The metallic head of Red emerged from the cockpit, and Kit waved it down, signaling for help in distracting Crosshair. Red, comes over behind crosshair.

As Crosshair was about to open the door, Red zapped him with a stunning shock. Crosshair staggered backward, collapsing to the ground. Kit, caught off guard, managed to slide under him, preventing a more dramatic fall.

"Red! What are you doing?" Kit exclaimed in frustration. "I meant for you to distract him, not stun him!" Red emitted a series of beeps, while helping Kit rolling Crosshair onto his back. Kit Cat, brushing off the imaginary dust from her clothes, sighed and addressed Red. "Distracting him is not the same as stunning. We need to go over new strategies, little Red."

With Crosshair temporarily out of commission, Kit Cat seized the opportunity to enact a quick plan. While he lay unconscious on the floor, she gestured to Red with a sly grin. "Let's move the stolen goods to a better hiding spot."

Cat with nine lives- bad batch X OCWhere stories live. Discover now