CH 12

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"W-why do I need to ask your permission to change course on my ship?" Kit Cat asked, avoiding Crosshair's eyes. However, he had other plans. He placed a hand under Kit's chin and slowly made her look up at him.

"Don't you mean our ship?" Crosshair corrected her. "This ship is going to be yours, mine, and my brothers' home in the upcoming adventures. You agreed to that, remember? Even if you don't, Tech recorded the whole conversation," he added with a smug smile.

Kit became speechless as Crosshair rubbed his thumb over her chin ever so slightly. Red beeped wildly, and its little hands started to shove Crosshair away. Crosshair looked at Red, annoyed by the interruption. He put his hand out to stop Red from hitting his leg more, giving Kit enough time to slip away.

Kit moved towards the controls to ensure all the maintenance was completed without any hiccups. That's when a beeping sound came from the ship's scanner. Red asked, "Did you know about the ship floating around us?"

Crosshair turned his attention to the scanner, keeping a hand on Red to prevent any further attacks. "My brothers must have caught up with us. I'll signal them to dock, Kitten."

Kit, curious, asked, "Why were your brothers following us?" She began the process to allow them to dock, calling on Red for assistance with the final wiring. "Red, help me out with the final wiring. Once they dock, we'll head out."

As Kit and Red worked on the ship's controls, Crosshair explained, "We split up to make sure you will make it. They must have traced our coordinates once I was knocked out. No need to worry."

The three brothers emerged from the hatch and boarded the YV-100 Light Freighter. Tech was listing all the capabilities the ship had when he stopped mid-sentence upon seeing Kit under the console, trying to fix the remaining wires. He walked past Crosshair, who was still bickering with Red, the AI attempting to stun him again. The other two brothers stepped in to prevent any further damage to either party. Tech knelt down, asking, "What are you trying to do?"

Kit, focused on her task, replied, "Just finalizing some repairs. We had a bit of a hiccup, but everything is under control now."

Tech assessed the situation, and with a nod, he offered, "Allow me to assist. I'm quite proficient with ship systems."

He nudged Kit's leg to get her to scoot over so he could fit under with her. She complied, continuing to shred wires and force them together. Tech, observing her work, looked disgusted. His hands moved on top of hers, and he said, "Stop, what you're doing is making it worse unless that's what you were trying to accomplish."

Kit looked at him with shock. "I am rewiring the ship because your old man brother messed with my ship."

Tech, looking thoughtful, remarked, "Ah, so he used my program to set a permanent course. Good, it worked as planned."

Kit turned her head to Tech. "Wait, this was your doing!"

Tech nodded, "Crosshair mentioned we might need a little redirection. I implemented a program to ensure the ship heads to our designated rendezvous point. It seems like Crosshair decided to activate it earlier than intended."

Kit, realizing the extent of the situation, couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and appreciation. "I am starting to regret agreeing to be on your team," she muttered, looking at her hands. "well hot lips can you let go of my hands and tell me how to fix the mess you caused on my lovely ship?"

Tech flushed and promptly let go of Kit's hands. "Certainly," he responded. Pushing up his glasses, he began to explain how to fix the issue and the intricacies of the program he had implemented. Kit watched in awe, gradually absorbing the information on how to properly wire the ship.

The two under the console emerged, blinking in surprise at the sight of the three brothers and Red having a standoff in the command area. Hunter spoke up and pointed at Red, "Kitten, can you tell Red that we are going to be living on this ship too."

Kit stretched her arms high in the air, letting out a big yawn. "Red, it looks like we need to make room for them," she conveyed to the AI. Sighing, Kit began to walk towards the back of the ship.

"To the right are the bedrooms; mine is locked. Figure out for yourselves where you all want to sleep. On the left is the kitchen and table," Kit explained as she directed the newcomers to the different sections of the ship.

As the Bad Batch settled into their new living arrangements, Kit went into the kitchen to start up a meal for the whole group. The boys slowly moved into the dining area and sat around the table. Wrecker came in last, exclaiming, "Whoa, what smells sooo GOOD?" He came up behind Kit and leaned over her to get a good whiff of the food. "Mmmmmm, that looks great too!" he added, reaching around Kit to get a bite. However, Kit smacked his hand away with the spoon. "Awww, why can't I have a bite?"

Kit laughed at Wrecker's comical image of holding his hand and pouting about not getting an early bite. She continued to prepare plates, saying, "Patience is a virtue." The aroma of the meal filled the air, creating a sense of warmth around the dining table.

"Bigs, help me bring in the dishes," Kit instructed as she carried three plates full of food, with Wrecker grumbling behind her.

"Okay, boys, let's dig in," Kit said with a big smile as she started to eat. Halfway through the meal, Hunter looked Kit in the eyes. "Kitten, Crosshair told us you need to go to the planet of Rishi to gather intel on the Separatists."

Kit paused, her expression serious. "Yes, that's correct. I have contacts on Rishi who can provide valuable information. The Separatists are up to something, and we need every advantage we can get."

The Bad Batch exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing among them. Hunter spoke up again, "That's not the full reason why we are going there, is it?"

Kit stopped mid-bite, looking at Hunter. "What other reason is there, Hunter?"

The rest of the boys stopped eating, their attention on the conversation. Wrecker, however, continued devouring his meal. Tech spoke up, "Based on the planet's information, it mainly harbors pirates, and they wouldn't have a lot of intel on the Separatists."

Kit sighed, realizing that the Bad Batch was onto something. "Okay, fine. I believe there might be someone on Rishi who has information about a potential threat. Someone who might have ties to the Separatists. I have materials to trade for such information."

Kit saw that they had more questions. "Wow, look at Red; it must be time for bed," she said, getting up and putting her plate away. She turned towards the boys, "I cooked, that means you boys clean. Goodnight."

Kit rushed back to her room and closed the door. Leaning against it, she muttered to herself, "Ugh, why can they read me like a vid?"

Cat with nine lives- bad batch X OCWhere stories live. Discover now