CH 13

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Kit woke up on the second day of their journey, the questions still gnawing at her. The more she stayed hidden in her room, the more the uncertainty bothered her. Faint whispers from the boys outside her door added to her restlessness. She sighed and opened the door.

Upon opening, she screamed and instinctively force-pushed the person away. A chuckle followed, and Hunter sat up, rubbing his head. "Kitten gets scared easily, Hunter," Crosshair remarked. "Mmm, seems like you did not get the full package like I did."

Kit Cat, recovering from her initial shock, shot Crosshair a bemused look. "Full package or not, you guys need to stop ambushing me at doors.

Kit rushed to Hunter to help him, scolding him for not warning her and deliberately scaring her.

Tech and Wrecker came running over to see what the scream was about. Upon seeing Kit, Wrecker got giddy and picked her up in a big hug. In his booming voice, he exclaimed, "Kitten, you came out! I was afraid you would not. Don't let Hunter scare you too much. I know his tattoo can be scary at times." Hunter gave Wrecker a side look.

While Kit patted Wrecker's back, saying, "I'll try my best not to be scared as long as you guys stop standing in doorways."

Wrecker continued to hold her. "Okay, big guy, put me down," Kit insisted, but Wrecker paid no heed. Hunter motioned with his head, and the team moved to the dining room, with Wrecker still carrying/hugging Kit.

"What's going on, Wrecker? Put me down!" Kit tried to wiggle out of his arms, Wrecker sat down, placing Kit in his lap and trapping her in a hug prison at the table.

With a mix of exasperation and amusement, Kit Cat found herself enveloped in Wrecker's affectionate grasp. Crosshair spoke up, "Look, kitten, we did not mean to pin you down with questions." Hunter took over the conversation, "We are trying to understand you and how you would work in our unique team."

Wrecker boomed, "With that, we made a game for icebreakers, so we can start trusting one another more. It involves the alcohol we found."

Tech looked up from his datapad. "We shall play 'I have never.' If you have done something, you need to explain, and if you don't want to explain, then there will be penalties."

The Bad Batch exchanged glances, the playful atmosphere turning a bit mischievous.

Kit Cat, still in Wrecker's hug prison, mulled over the proposition. The game seemed like an interesting way for the Bad Batch to learn more about her, and perhaps for her to uncover some of the mysteries that surrounded her new allies. "Fine, but if the penalties get too much, we need to stop," Kit said, looking at all of them in the eye and pinching Wrecker since she couldn't move around to stare him down.

Hunter got up and grabbed the cups and alcohol. Kit pinched Wrecker again and turned slightly towards him. "You can let me go now, you know," she said. Wrecker rubbed his arm and looked at her, "No can do, fun size. My job is to make sure you won't run away," he smiled down at Kit.

"Alright, let's start the game," Wrecker boomed.

"Okay, how do you start?" Kit asked, tilting her head.

Crosshair spoke up with a smirk, "I have never used the Force." Tech looked at Kit, "This is where you drink because you have."

Kit picked up the cup and took a drink. Wrecker excitedly said, "It's my turn. I have never held a lightsaber."

Kit looked at the boys and glared at them, then took a drink. "I feel like you all are ganging up on me. Okay, I see how it is. Okay, I have never had alcohol until now."

They all had shocked faces. "You mean you never had alcohol but you have this great stash?" Wrecker gushed.

Kit smiled, "Boys, this is where you drink, and how could I when I was with the Jedi?"

Cat with nine lives- bad batch X OCWhere stories live. Discover now