CH 9

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As I looked back at the smoldering remains of the destroyed factory, a disheartened expression clouded my face. Hunter placed a hand on my shoulder, his voice tinged with anger, "We need answers. Why was the data at the factory so important to you that you risked my team?"

I continued to gaze at the devastation, feeling the weight of my actions. I sighed and answered, "That data would have proven my old master is working with the Separatists and is a Sith."

We began to make our way back towards the military base, and the rest of the team followed. Tech spoke up, asking, "Your old master is General Krell?"

My fear and surprise were palpable as I turned towards Tech. "How do you know that?" I demanded, my body tense. I was gripped with the fear that they might know more about my old master than I had anticipated.

Tech quickly raised his hands, trying to ease my fear. "Upon hearing your name, I looked you up. The only intel on you was your old master and that you left the Jedi Order."

Relief flowed through my body, knowing that my secret was still safe. I sighed and began to share, "Yes, he was my old master. While under his teachings, he started to turn vile."

Hunter probed further, asking, "What did he do that was so bad in your eyes?"

I hesitated, the memories of my time with General Krell causing me to stammer as I replied, "He did many things t-t-to me that are hard to talk about, but he left many marks on me." My voice was soft, and the painful memories of the past weighed heavily on my shoulders.

Wrecker approached me and lifted me into a massive hug, his comforting presence reassuring me. He gently placed me on his shoulder and offered words of comfort, "It's okay, Kitten, we've got you now."

I smiled down at Wrecker, appreciating the support, and replied, "Good, because keeping up with your guys' pace makes me jog."

My tail was swish back and forth while as we walked back to the base, the journey was peaceful, and I found the experience of sitting on Wrecker's shoulder enjoyable. However, as we drew closer to the base, my keen ears picked up the sounds of villagers in distress.

I gently indicated for Wrecker to put me down, and once my feet touched the ground, I hugged him in gratitude. I then turned to the rest of the team and said, "Well, it was a pleasure working with you guys, but I need to run before Obi-Wan gets a chance to talk me into another dangerous mission."

Turning away from the team before I could see their expressions, I swiftly made my way to my ship. Once I reached it, I called out for my astromech droid, "Red! It's time to go."

The astromech droid responded with beeping sounds, and I nodded, understanding its concerns. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Let's get this ship in the air before we get into more trouble. Did you scramble our signal so the Republic star cruisers won't detect us?" Red responds back with a salute. And runs back towards the door.

I heard a voice from inside the ship, and my immediate response was to draw my pistol. Quietly and cautiously, I approached the door, ready to confront the intruder. As I opened the door, I found Red, my astromech droid, attempting to shock Hunter, who had his hand on Red to prevent it from harming him.

I let out a sigh of relief and lowered my pistol, realizing that Red was merely trying to defend the ship. I spoke to the intruder, "You're lucky my droid didn't zap you. What do you want?"

Hunter wore a smirk as he commented, "He's a feisty little guy." I patted Red on the top and instructed it, "Red, go prep the ship for takeoff."

Hunter's question caught my attention. "You're really going to leave like that?"

I continued with my preparations and replied, "Is there any other way to leave?"

Hunter leaned against the door, his gaze following me around the ship. He then mentioned, "You know, before you ran away, we— I mean, the boys and I—were thinking you could travel with us and be part of our team."

I stopped what I was doing and looked at Hunter in surprise. "You want me on your team, even with that little hiccup?" I scoffed and began putting things away. "Why should I be on your team?"

Hunter's eyes continued to follow me, and he leaned closer to the door. "Even with the hiccup, we think you would make a great addition. Plus, how else are you going to get intel on your master without us?" His words gave me pause, and I pondered the possibility of working with this unique team to get information on my old master.

Wrecker's voice filled the room as he entered, his enthusiasm unmistakable. "Did she agree to it yet?"

The response from the others was less optimistic. "Not yet," came the reply.

Wrecker, not one to give up easily, attempted to sweeten the deal. "Come on, Kitten, I'll give you rides whenever you want."

I couldn't help but laugh at Wrecker's unconventional approach. Then, a sly voice chimed in from the corner of the room. "Wrecker, you should mention you would spank her instead."

I rolled my eyes at the comment, half-amused and half-exasperated. The banter among the Bad Batch was unlike anything I had experienced before.

Wrecker, apparently taking the suggestion seriously, turned to me with a mischievous grin. "She would really like that?"

I couldn't help but chuckle, a hint of a smile playing on my lips. "Sounds tempting, Wrecker, except for the carrying part. But what does being part of your team entail?"

Tech, the group's intellect, entered the conversation. "Obviously, we would look into and gather more intel on your former master while you do missions with us."

It was an intriguing offer. Joining the Bad Batch meant uncovering the truth about her former Master's fall to the dark side

"You fly in an Omicron-class attack shuttle?"

Hunter nodded, a hint of pride in his voice. "Yes, but it's been modified by Tech to better suit our needs."

Kit Cat shook her head, her response resolute. "Nope."

The declaration left the members of the Bad Batch bewildered. Wrecker, never one to beat around the bush, asked, "What do you mean by 'nope'?"

Kit Cat explained her reasoning with a hint of determination in her voice. "I mean 'nope' as in I'm not riding or flying in that ship. There's hardly any space, and there are no rooms. I'd rather you modify my ship to be similar to yours. That way, we can have the best of both worlds."

The Bad Batch exchanged glances, pondering her request. Tech, always up for a technical challenge, chimed in, "It's feasible to retrofit your ship to match the specifications of our shuttle. I'll need some time to gather the necessary components and make the modifications."

Kit Cat nodded in approval. "That's all I'm asking for. I've spent enough time cramped in small spaces. A little more comfort will go a long way."

As Tech suggested heading to Coruscant for the ship modifications, Kit Cat nodded in agreement. "Okay, I'll meet you there."

Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker made their way out of the room, leaving Kit Cat alone. She turned her attention to the cockpit, where the ship's AI, Red, was in control.

Kit Cat gazed at the control panel for a moment, then turned to Red. "Should we join them, Red?"

A voice from behind her sent a shiver down her spine. "There's no going back on your word, kitten."

Cat with nine lives- bad batch X OCWhere stories live. Discover now