CH 7

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As I prepared for the mission to rescue the villagers, I ensured that I had all the necessary equipment and weapons. I had strapped two pistols to my thighs, concealed numerous knives around my boots, and carried two lightsabers secured to my back. I also packed some additional medical supplies and essentials into a bag.

With my preparations complete, I made my way to my ship to stow my belongings before returning to the rendezvous point. As I approached the area, my sharp eyes caught sight of a shuttle ship flying in fast, heading towards Obi-Wan's location. I recognized it as the Bad Batch, the group that Cody had mentioned earlier.

As I entered the command area, I couldn't help but notice the four imposing figures standing there. They were even taller than Cody, and I barely reached his shoulder. Obi-Wan acknowledged my arrival, saying, "Ah, Cat, good you made it in time."

I corrected him, my tone carrying a hint of annoyance. "It's Kit, not Cat anymore."

Obi-Wan nodded, acknowledging my preference. "Right, Kit. We're going over the plan with the Bad Batch. And we think it would be a good idea if you went with them on the mission."

I was taken aback by the suggestion. "Excuse me," I protested, "I am going with the group that will save the hostages, for I am a medic. My skills are best utilized there."

The idea of joining the Bad Batch on a different aspect of the mission had me torn. On one hand, I knew the importance of the role I had committed to as a medic, but on the other, the prospect of working alongside the Bad Batch, a renowned group of specialists, was intriguing. Regardless of the decision, the safety and well-being of the villagers remained my primary concern.

Obi-Wan's stern gaze met mine, and he delivered the verdict with authority. "You are going with the Bad Batch. Your skills are needed with them. Or you stay here babysitting the equipment." We engaged in a brief staring match, but I ultimately relented, knowing it was futile to go against the wishes of a Jedi Master.

With a resigned sigh, I followed the Bad Batch as they started walking into the forest, headed for the droid factory. Once we were out of earshot from the others, the tallest and lankiest member of the group flicked a toothpick at me and made a snide comment. "We don't need a wannabe Jedi with us. Why don't you go back home?"

I bristled at the term "wannabe" and replied firmly, "What do you mean by 'wannabe'? I was a Jedi; I just quit."

He drawled out a dismissive response, "You quit."

I attempted to confront him face to face, or rather, chest to face, as I could only reach his chest. "Look, I don't like this any more than you do, but by the Force, I will follow through with this mission."

A booming, hearty laugh erupted from the biggest guy in the group. "Haha, I like her. I'm Wrecker." The one you are try to intimidate is Crosshair. As the group continued their march through the forest, the smallest member, who was leading the way, turned around and introduced himself. "I am Hunter," he said, and then he pointed to the one who appeared to be engrossed with a datapad. "And that's Tech."

I couldn't help but smile at Wrecker, appreciative of his more amicable approach. "Thanks, Wrecker. My name is Kit."

However, a sarcastic voice cut through the moment. "That's not what we were told."

I bit my lip, determined not to take the bait, but the voice continued, "Your name is Cat, and you ran away from the Order."

I clenched my jaw, my frustration growing, but I held back my response. Then came the provocation, "With your tail between your legs, I bet. Just don't go licking any of my wounds, medic."

I snapped at the comment and attempted a roundhouse kick to make a point, but my stature was a disadvantage. I missed Crosshair by just an inch. I bit my lip harder, my frustration evident, but I tried to play it off. "That's a warning, Crosshair. You don't want to get into a physical fight with me."

Without even looking up from his datapad, Tech mumbled, "Due to her small stature, she underestimated the distance and could not reach your head, Crosshair."

I couldn't help but respond, a tinge of annoyance in my voice, "I am not short; I am fun-sized."

Tech looked up, blinking in confusion. "Is that a new category I should know about?"

Wrecker intervened, diffusing the tension by pushing both of us. I took a deep breath and got my barring's. I couldn't help but wonder how Hunter had known about this concealed route. I turned to him and inquired, "How did you know that the back entrance to the factory was this way? It's very well hidden."

Hunter glanced back at me, his answer revealing a unique ability. "I have enhanced senses," he explained. "I can sense electronic waves."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by this revelation. "Do all clones have these enhancements?"

I listened to Hunter's explanation, and it became clear that the members of the Bad Batch possessed unique and specialized abilities that set them apart from other clones. Tech's computer expertise, Wrecker's incredible strength, Crosshair's marksmanship, and Hunter's enhanced senses all contributed to making the group a well-balanced team with complementary skills.

It was intriguing to see how their individual talents could be harnessed to tackle various challenges. The diverse strengths of the Bad Batch members made them a formidable unit.

Cat with nine lives- bad batch X OCWhere stories live. Discover now