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Dale Malcolm

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Dale Malcolm

Love is different for everyone. It is circumstantial. It is accidental. It is slow. It is painful. It is fulfilling but at the same time, it is empty.

Love can be first sight or love can be first fight

For me, it was the bet

you must have read the story where Bet was the climax of the story but for me, it was a story

This story is not

She fell first.....He fell harder

It is

She fell first...he lost her...eventually fell for her

I knew love was not a fairy tale least not in our world where everything is competition but for me, the competition led me to my love

we were academic rivals

He was my first love

He was the father to my adopted child

He was .... will be my everything.

The journey starts with a high school bet and ends with a happy family of three

The journey starts with a high school bet and ends with a happy family of three

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Aiden James

I always wondered what was love and to be honest I wished it was easy like mathematics to me I can add a few numbers divide a few and find what is x, what are you feeling

Is it lust?

Is it a friend-like feeling?

Or is it l love?

But when she made a bet with me everything changed I wanted her the same time I detested her

She challenged me.................

She encouraged me .................

She supported me....................

She comforted me.........................

and then suddenly one day

.............she left me

I knew she liked me

hell everyone in our grade knew She liked me

She didn't make it obvious but her subtle blush was hard to miss I thought she would stick with me but I guess I was wrong

But when I found her again I made it my mission to make her mine because this time I liked her and I was done denying that to myself

this time I made it obvious

and this time when I got her back, I also got a friend in the form of a teen son

And I could never be more thankful for that..........................................





Look in my eyes
They will tell you the truth
The girl in my story has
always been you







Hello!!! myself author Yaksha

I don't know why I am writing this this is my second story I deleted the first one without even uploading it I am not asking you to vote but do comment

I want some criticism to improve my writing. Hope you will help

Word count:427

I Do Not Like HerWhere stories live. Discover now