9|Freaking out

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Dale Malcolm

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Dale Malcolm

What the fuck did I do

I am out of my mind, have I completely absolutely unbelievably lost it !!!

Why would I make a bet?!

I do not bet I have never made a bet!!!!!!!!

I can not do the bet!

I mean, what are you supposed to do when you bet with someone you have a crush on???

Are you supposed to lose: to see them happy or win: to impress them !!!!!!

Why would I even bet about it!?

I mean no matter how much I wanted to spend time with him, this was not the right way, was it?

When I reached school everyone congratulated me like I won the Olympics and then started murmuring about it, to be honest, I hated the attention...

But when the lunch rolled on and I saw a certain math geek my heart fluttered...

Yeah! it fluttered, full-on in a filmy manner with a piece of background music and slow wind

I am insatiable...

And then my nerves decided to screw me over and blurted the most nonsense thing I could ever think of........

freaking hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How the hell am I supposed to study with him when all I want to study is him??

Cringy right, I know, the book did that to me.........

After that, I went to my shift at Leaping Windows.

I was arranging the books and thinking about the stupidity I did

I need to ask him where will we study, yeah! I need to do that.....

How am I supposed to handle that proximity, him near me and studying ..Ugh

Shut up my mind, just fucking shut up...


I need to focus on my studies

Mom will not let me take mass media if I don't get Vale

I was thinking.............no no Dale Malcolm can't think

I was overthinking when suddenly the stool which I was standing on broke

(The heck is wrong with my life)

and I was ready for the impact but a pair of hands helped my ass to not land on the floor

He helped me stand on my feet

I looked at him.

He was none other than

guess guess

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