6| Bondings

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Aiden James

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Aiden James

I wouldn't say I liked the way her mother spoke. I mean, I respected her mother but Dale's choice was good.

her choice was good because it was her choice...


It is not my stress to take.

I slept after her text.

next day

I woke at regular time did my morning routine and went to school.

I went to their locker met Ares near his locker and went to my classes

I saw Dale there...............

I wanted to talk to her, about yesterday

It was not good what she was going through.

At lunch, I found her in the line caught hold of her, and told her to meet me in the library

''Aiden'' she called me with a bit of amusement and curiosity on her face.

"What happened you called me here?" she again spoke.

"I wanted to talk to you about yesterday," I said

Realization flickered on her face but she decided to wear the mask of ignorance.

"About what?" she asked me.

"About your mother's comment, competition!"

I have chosen my nickname for her 'competition' a bit weird but nice.

"It's fine Aiden," she said trying to brush it off.

"No, it's not"

"It was not the first time. She has never been satisfied and it's fine, I just have to keep working harder, that's it" she tried to explain.

"No, it's not fine, you should not be obliged to work hard"

"No, I am not, it's just I want to and my mom feels good to do"

"Are you sure?" still not feeling convinced.

"Well there is nothing I can do about it "

"You can confront your mom"

"Just leave it Aiden, it's fine "

''If you say so"

"let's leave we will be late for our next class"

after that, we left for class

I was still not sure about it but I let it go.

after school ended I saw Dale coming out and going toward her bike

"Going home," I asked her.

"Why miss me?" she almost immediately retorted.


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