3| The First Day-A

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Dale Malcolm

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Dale Malcolm

Thanks to the teacher, I didn't have to deal with nincompoop. I could see he was having fun but for me, it was getting annoying,

On top of that, he was undeniably handsome.


After the lesson ended, I hastily left the class so that I could find the next class. Being new always came with some pros and cons and the con was that you had to search your class for at least two weeks, sometimes you might get lost too...................

I was late for the next class. When I came, the teacher was already standing there. I asked for his permission to enter. He allowed me as I told him I was new and couldn't find the class.

When I traced the class for the seat, I found that annoying nincompoop staring at me.

I sat on the last seat which was empty and attended the lecture.

This process went on till lunch. One thing I found out was that the nincompoop was in all the classes that I had.

Fuck My Luck

Eventually, it was lunch .................

I went to the cafeteria bought a burger for myself and sat on an empty seat.

A girl approached me.

She was beautiful ...I mean it!!!!!

She had pale white skin and a zero figure. She had long blonde hair which was straight. She was not wearing heavy makeup but she was wearing an eyeliner and lipstick.

She came towards me .......

"Hi," she said

"Hi" I replied

'Myself Patricia Babel. Everyone calls me Pat here. You can call me anything " She forwarded her hand.

"Hi, anything! Myself Dale Malcolm. Don't call me anything" I shake her hand

"That was a good one!" she laughed.

"Thank you, please take a seat"

"Yup, you are new?!"


"I can show you around if you want. The school is a bit big. I thought you could use some help" Nice people exist!!!!!!!

"You thought right. I would appreciate some help. I was late for almost all the classes today," I replied

"Sure! Give me your schedule"

"Here" I handed over my schedule to her. She took out her schedule and scanned it.

"Oh! you have all AP classes. I Guess Aid has a competition now"

"I am lost here, Who is the Aid?"

''Oh, Aid.. Aiden James, you must have seen him. He has a bit of tan skin, curly brown hair........."

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