2| Meet but not cute-B

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Aiden James

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Aiden James

I am fascinated by space, I am.........

I love to study stars and planets.

I also like maths ..........

Does that make me a nerd?

I don't know!

Do I care?

I don't!

I think I am a mixture of everything.

I play sports and I am the topper, so it does not put me in any particular category and honestly, I do not care if I am in any category.

My life is planned...........

Graduation. Valedictorian speech. Straight to NASA

You might ask that, without going to college, how can I go to NASA?

So here is the deal last summer, I got selected for NASA teen camp where they choose the top 2 students for direct admission to NASA and I was one of the top 2

So after my senior year, I will directly get into NASA. They will educate and train me, and then I will join them after a few years when I am ready.

Cool right!!!!!!!

I am just waiting for this year to end peacefully and rapidly without any problems or any hiccups.

Am I asking for too much?

I don't think so!

Back to the story

I wore a black shirt with ripped jeans and white vans. A normal wear, nothing special. But I liked it.

I wore my bag and went down.

My mom was in the kitchen making pancakes.

Yes Pancakes, I love them.

I went behind her and hugged her from behind and kept my face in the crook of her neck.

"Good morning Mom," I said.

"Good morning Son. Have the breakfast first!"


Yes I am a MAMA boy, so what

"Are there any updates related to the camp?"



"Any new client's mom?" I asked.

"Yes I got an email this morning from Jonathans, they want me to plan the event of their 50th wedding anniversary "


This was my mom Sarah James. An event planner. She was like any other mom. She works as a freelancer. She never questioned or pressured me about anything, sometimes I wanted her to question me but she never did.

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