14| First Kiss

19 4 2

Aiden James

That bloody leech is attached to her from the moment she enters the party

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That bloody leech is attached to her from the moment she enters the party.

I fucking hate him.

I mean, what the hell??

Stay away from her dude.

'Why', an internal voice asked me.

'Because she...'

'Because she, what Aiden?' that voice mocked me.


They both were on the dance floor and I was glaring at them.

The fact that she looked heavenly today did not help at all.

I mean she is beautiful, very beautiful with her button nose and pouty lips and dimples. She is indeed very beautiful but today she looked hot.

Damn it!!

She must have noticed my glare as she looked towards me.

She whispered something in his ear and he kissed her temple.

Wait a minute, he did what!?

I am going to kill him and puncture his fucking lips. How dare he kiss my Brown!?

'My Brown huh!' my internal voice mocked me again.

She came towards me.

"Whatcha doing!?'' she asked.

"Finally, got time from your boy?" I deadpanned.
What! I don't like him.

"My boy, oh come on! he is just my friend," she said.

"Yeah sure" I scoffed.

"Huh?! What's with the mood Grumps" she asked

"I am not grumps," I said

"Yeah yeah"

The audacity.

"What, I am not?" I tried to convince her

"Then dance with me," she said.
Okay I was not expecting this

"Huh?" I asked

"Dance with me" she repeated

"I don't know how to dance," I said.
I don't like to dance I am too self-conscious about that.

"Just follow me," she said.
I followed her and she brought me to the floor.

What?! I just want to be with her!!

She is a great company.

Yeah yeah, just accept the fact that you are attracted to her. My internal voice mocked me.

She took me to the dance floor and kept my hand on her waist.

"Just follow my lead," she said.

I did follow her lead.
Her smell intoxicated me.
Our proximity wavering and blurring my senses.

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